This was at the river lime in reunion 2003. A phot of the pioneers.
Felix Edinborough 65
This was at the river lime in reunion 2003. A phot of the pioneers.
Felix Edinborough 65
The newspapers here have reported the death of Dr. Cliff Bertrand, former lecturer at Mausica, and regular contributor to the blog. Dr. Bertrand caught the Mausiac spirit from his position as lecturer, and fell in with the alumni. His sharing of photographs of Mausicans as athletes was one of his favourite things to do, and I think a real contribution to the collective of us as we have continued to look back. Clearly the place affected him in the same way that it affected the rest of us. I found him to be a shy man, who had the difficult task of making his content reachable from a lecturn, when more informal spaces might sometimes have been more appropriate for the more dynamic content of his field. But he clearly found the place to be nurturing, and on leaving Mausica kept improving himself. I was on the Mausica track team for time and enjoyed working with him. A gentle, good person. A Mausican to the end.
Theodore Lewis 69
I truly appreciate Scratchie's walk down memory lane with the gentlemen of the three hostels. Sorry I cannot do the same with the ladies. I particularly enjoyed the nicknames by which they were more popularly known. In his wisdom he left out some of the more intimate but 'not so pleasant' ones earned during 'Initiation.' In our year it was Harry Joe who recited for us the poem 'even this shall pass away.' Hymns like 'Lead Kindly Light' sung at the close of that period were most appropriate. But the one that will forever be etched on the momory of the '67 - '69 group is 'Departure' whuch was sung at the funeral service of 2 of our more popular students who passed away under tragic circumstances - Cheryl Gittens and Horatio Hospedales. Thankfully we have made it to COVID and many of us are in the most vulnerable age group. Let us do our best observing all protocols so that GOD willing we come out of it alive
Pearl Yvonne Mulrain 69
well Andrew Miguel, (second year), Patrick Ali, and sadly Phillip Kendall
Cuthbert Matthews (Clang), Gaston Alleyne, Ho Sing Loy, ....
Theodore Lewis 69
My brothers, my brothers.....its just a little date.....from over fifty years ago....how come Mausican still in we blood.....my roomate Sto (Selwyn Bethelmy) came to the house last week.....came with a plumber who was going to sort out my water-pump....
Wasn't it yesterday when Tanty Popo and uncle Kyran took me up there from Marabella to that mecca......Mausica.....the best school of all for me.....the biggest imprint on my life....my psyche....
and Sto came up just like that and took my suitcase.....and walked me over to Fairhaven..... that was 53 years ago.....
Memorable people came in with me..with the privilege of becoming Havenites....Carl Salvary......Arthur Hume, ....Peter Pariag......Deodath Maharaj......Anthony Lum.....Noel T,, Peter Pariag... Victorinus.....Oswald Thompson.......Oswald Murray.....Robin Ramsingh.....Lloyd Nagee...Clyde Maurice....Abraham (from Grenada) "Abree", Hospee.....Victor Wright (Toco),
Mayfair men...Gregory Byrne,...Roy Jagroopsingh.....Wray McBurnie..Kenneth Bobb (KB),
Villa men---Udho Rambaran (DJango), Davis Charles......
Second year men in Haven....Rodney.....Sto. Carlsbury. Efebo....Miguel, Murrel, Martin (Braf).....Kent Rennie (Geezmo).......
Then "departure" for the first time.....the sadness....of which Garth speaks....and the first years coming in....at the rebirth.....in into Haven.....Benji, (Ronald Benjamin), Fabian Alverez, Reynold Davis.....
other men of real note....Joe Stephens......Garth.....
I better stop
Theodore Lewis 69
RE: Back ah Yard
Fellow Mausicans,
If we survive this pandemic in one piece, we should celebrate with the biggest Thanksgiving service on the Mausica campus in...….well, whenever.
What's your opinion?
Carlston A. Gray 74
I mentioned an incident in the last blog about our last day in Mausica Teacher's College. I made one mistake. This did not happen in 1969, but rather in 1971.
Garth Nicholas 1969 to 1971
My Fellow Mausicans,
Is me again. Aye, hear nah man, I jus get up from ah lil siesta and ah start tuh sing ah Ray Charles classic named after ah southern state. Ah tink Cassanovas use tuh play it. It was ah bound tuh dance tune. Yuh remember dem days?
Name dat tune.
Aye, Big Brother Errol, yuh must know dat song.
All those who shout "Georgia"! Take ah bow.
If yuh hear meh. Ah sing all de parts. Marjorie watchin meh in wonderment.
Ah glidin, ah waltzin, ah fox -trottin, ah two steppin and ah makin ah diagonal tuh de center of HMJ Hall. Wen ah reach de dead center, ah rent ah tile and ah start slow dancin like Joan Braithwaite an she husband from Point. Who say "grinding"? How she name dancin good, boy. She go save de last dance fuh me.
Yes, Yvonne and Pearl. There will be plenty chessin tonite!
On a serious note. I am glad that Marjorie and I made it back to Stone Mountain, GA. to participate in the recent unprecedented election. Brother Alan Simpson and I took a virtual drink fuh Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and all Democrats. Mausicans in every thing.
Aye, allyuh, ah gorn fuh now. Ah have tuh finish some CE courses tuh remain compliant. How much more Ethics dey want?
So long for now. Be safe.
As usual.
Rodney Foster, Original Red Guard and Havenite. 66-68
Rodney Foster 68
In July 1969 the day when we were graduating from Mausica, Selwyn Ayoung, from Fairhaven came over to Sunsetvilla. We in Sunsetvilla were there for 2 whole years together. We were asking each other for all different things. We were using obsene language in every sentence we said. When Selwyn heard us, his remarks were, "Listen to the love."
That struck me. And I began to think about what Selwyn had said.
We were together for 2 years, this was our last day, and after that day, there was no telling when we would be seeing each other again. I was hearing the cursing, and was part of it. He came in, listened, and realized that much more than cursing was going on. We were expressing our love for each other, and the absence that would follow when we left Mausica. That was 49 years ago, and I remember it as if it was yesterday.
Selwyn Ayoung died a few years after leaving Mausica, but as a first year, he composed Mausica's Anthem. I am sure that lecturer June Joseph still has a copy of that anthem.
Garth Nicholas 1969 to 1971
Hello famalaay!
We had a 4 hour Zoom get together on October 31.
Based on the post meeting comments, it looks like everyone enjoyed themselves. This time we shared Mausica stories/memories and there were exchanges like - “I didn’t know about that!”, “ah hah now I can connect the dots!”, “initiation was traumatic”, “no one realised how shy I was”.
We learnt the history of some of the nick names and that Mausica was started as a World Bank/UESCO initiative.
It was an atmosphere in which we felt comfortable not only to share feelings and perceptions, but to clarify misconceptions. There was a lot of laughter and anticipation of the next get together.
There were twentyfive of us from different year groups on the Zoom. Of the group, 4 joined from Trinidad and 4 from the US, the rest were from Canada.
Thanks attendees, your presence contributed to the creation of the most awesome virtual meeting we’ve had so far.
COVID19 will not keep us apart emotionally.
"and this too will pass"
Brenda Alexander-Perez 65
Hi Errol,
John Soso is an email address I use sometimes to store material. Sorry, I should have sent it as BCC. John Soso does not exist.
You are doing a great job, please continue.
I have been saying now for decades, that the greatest mistake made in Education in Trinidad, in the latter half of the 20th century, was to close down Mausica Teachers' College. That institution, in addition to educating the teachers of the country, also provided an invaluable service in teaching the young of the country about the people, their lifestyles, by making it possible for people from all parts of the country to associate together, and learn.
of all the things that Mausica did one was to create the calypsonian Happy.
Gilbert O'Connor was in the same year like me. When it was time for the 1st years to put on their concert, Fairhaven's hostel rep. Lennox Lawrence, with the nickname Popeye, called all the 1st years in the hostel for a meeting. He told them that they cannot make Fairhaven shame, and was asking them what could they do for the concert.
He gave to Gilbert O'Connor the task of writing a calypso, even though he knew that Gilbert had NEVER written a calypso before. This meeting was held on the Thursday night. They had until the Sunday night when they returned, to show what they would be doing for the concert. In the meeting on Sunday night, when Gilbert was asked to sing his calypso, half way through the calypso, Popeye stopped him and started cursing, as only Popeye could. "What the $#%@& I thought you said you never composed a calypso before."
"This is the first calypso I ever write", was his answer. The rest is history.
For our competition one year, he wrote a calypso, about the behavior of our lecturers, after they smoked marijuana.On the national stage, I remember "Boy George" more than any other calypso that he wrote.
Garth 69 to 71
Garth Nicholas 71
Condolences to Lorna Palmer on the loss of her husband.
Garth Nicholas 71
I visited Neville Archibald- Archie this evening and he was in high spirits. Just about an hour ago I received another sad news. Lorna Palmer-Conyette (69-71) husband passed away this evening. Condolences to Lorna and the Family.
Ansel Knights 71
Neville,please accept my sincere condolences on the passing of your beloved wife Theo..She was such a wonderful person.
Praimraj Boodram 71
Greetings Fellow Mausicans:
My response to writing our legacy is that we add to/revise/refine the files/stories that we already have.
Erol and the regular contributors, thanks for the great work. I look forward to reading the weekly blog.
Adelia (72-74)
Adelia C. Bovell-Benjamin 74
My Fellow Mausicans,
What a memorable experience. Like a good Efebo play, there were numerous emotions, opportunities to laugh, cry, hope, discover, teach, grow, change, celebrate. In other words, my stay in Sweet TNT was like a good Trini Sunday Food, ah lil bit of everything.
Barbara, on September 12th, Marj and I were blessed to board a CAL flight and return to Atlanta via Miami. It was a blessed, six-months, spiritual journey.
Sincere condolences to the Archibald family. Archie was ah real nice Mausican Brother. Rest in Peace, my pardnah.
Thank you Brother Errol for your contributions to the Mausican family.
We love you, Big Brother. Even in yuh tight, tight, graduation dinner jacket. How yuh could dance so!
.As usual,
Rodney Foster 66-68
I was informed today of the death of the wife of Neville Archibald, Theo. We were there from 1969 to 1971. Archie, as he is known, and I were Villans.
Garth Nicholas 71
Hello fellow Mausicans
We spoke of publishing Mausica's legacy. Some have sent in a few stories here and there. Brenda Alexander (63-65) alerted me to a website mtcalumni.com/MTC/MTChistory.htmThis website has a list of pdf files submitted by many with the dates submitted. I started browsing this list and realize that many stories explaining a great part of that very legacy. So here is my idea: can we go through each of these files, see what we have chronologically, and use the information already stored to build a narrative. We can intersperse that narrative with related pictures. Among the names of people who have already submitted files are Felix Edinborough, Pat Allum, Joy Barnes, Merle Dillon etc.
So first, your thoughts before we move on to next steps. Thanks.
It's ok to reject the idea; not a big deal at all.
Bernice Stephens 65
I smile when I read the conversations written by different past Mausica students . Those were really memorable years for us all Love and greetings to all of you.
Eileen Pilgrim 1967 - 1969
I smiled when I read '...young again'. This year marks 50 years since another group of young and enthusiastic fledglings entered the hallowed gates of Mausica Teachers' College to begin the preparation of moulding a nation through service. Congratulations to all of us who made it to this date. Thanks, Yvette Elvin Seales for reminding me. Those were two of the best years of my life. A real holistic experience and I had no regrets.
I got rid of a lot of stuff but three of the certificates we were awarded, are still in my possession. One is The Annual Service Award for special services rendered. The other, The Leaving Certificate and the third when my hostel, WINGATE won the infamous GRELL CUP in Term One 1970.
Memories are made of this. Mausica was the first place that I saw a garden grow overnight or over a couple hours. Gosh! I am sure if we did not have covid restrictions, there would have been a celebration of some sort. 50 years!!!
I am most grateful to all staff and students of that era (70-72). May those who have gone ahead rest in peace. Nostalgia became a reality when the time was over. It is so good to think of the 'choral speakers'; going through the track with some hostel mates after a Friday or Saturday night hostel fete; jugs flying in the air at meal times; fanning away the flies (I kept doing it even after I had left Mausica); learning to savour the taste of porridge at midnight when we were studying and hungry; chatting with Matron in her lily white uniform; the various clubs; practising for Folk swingers in the Refectory in front of the large mirrors and Mrs Cuffie making sure you opened your lips correctly with a little help from her fingers. Oh, Sweet, sweet, the memories you bring to me. And of course I must not forget...there were the lectures and lecturers.
Initiation was the greatest and I think I laughed all the way having to 'wipe dat smile an put it in meh pocket so many times. Dear Elke RIP, our hero that night when certain people had the strength to 'tief we huge pot ah pelau'. I hope they have repented. Smell the aroma.
There is so much to celebrate, and I thank God for allowing me that experience.
Ride on, Mausicans. Keep safe. Blessings.
Leonora de Verteuil 1970-72
The Project would like your assistance in collecting pictures, articles and other memorabilia pertaining to the respective year groups. Please attach the names of the individuals in the pictures for ID purposes. If we could have someone from each year-group either volunteer or be selected by that group to be the collection point, that would be very helpful as that person would be in a better position to verify or authenticate the information submitted. In this regard we would also love to get pictures of the various teams/persons who represented MTC in any sporting or other event.
That information could then be passed on to either Ben Alleyne-Stephens, Arthur Small, and/or Winston Yallery-Arthur.
Sincere thanks and appreciation.
Thanks to Rodney Foster who forwarded 2 interesting stories from Clyde Ballatyne, a former Sunset Villa resident 66-68. I classified those stories as "Pranks and Pranksters". Every group of 110 students committed their unfair share of pranks. So continue to send your stories of pranks and other exciting moments.
Remember when Harry Joe ordered us all to Queen's Park Oval to see cricket because some important cricketers were playing? Remember how many of us ladies fell asleep in our seats? I would love to hear that episode retold by a former pioneer. What about our visit to Queen's Hall to hear Marion Anderson?
Sports events will be retold by Arthur Small, Rick Yallery-Arthur, and maybe Felix Edinborough. How about tales of calypso competitions, Music Festivals and winning the first ever Folk Song Championship? Apart from me (Ben Alleyne) Pearl Mulrain (payonne@gmail.com) and Merle Dillon-Baker (merlebaker@yahoo.com) will be accepting input from others.
Thank you; looking forward to hearing from you.
Bernice Stephens 65