Monday, June 01, 2020

RE: La Porrinden

Aye, Pearl, thanks for bringing  “clarity” to Mr. Williams’ actions. According to Mr. Albert Mark, “What a naughty boy”. Fitzie was something else, oui.
I was too busy singing, dancing, wining up and harmonizing with meh pardnahs in de tenor section. I used to stand next to Selwyn Thompson, Sweet face, and Carl Caton. If yuh hear de blend. Sweet too bad. Other tenors were: Ivan Ragoonan, Micey, Miguel, Rawlins Manwaren, Glenville King, Ken Marshall,  and of course, Gregory Wallace, Gerry Callender, and Lloyd Brown. Forgive me if ah forget some names.
So long for now.
As usual,
Rodney Foster. 66-68

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