Tuesday, November 03, 2020

Re: Mausica graduates


Hi Errol,

John Soso is an email address I use sometimes to store material. Sorry, I should have sent it as BCC. John Soso does not exist.

You are doing a great job, please continue.

I have been saying now for decades, that the greatest mistake made in Education in Trinidad, in the latter half of the 20th century, was to close down Mausica Teachers' College. That institution, in addition to educating the teachers of the country, also provided an invaluable service in teaching the young of the country about the people, their lifestyles, by making it possible for people from all parts of the country to associate together, and learn.

of all the things that Mausica did one was to create the calypsonian Happy.

Gilbert O'Connor was in the same year like me. When it was time for the 1st years to put on their concert, Fairhaven's hostel rep. Lennox Lawrence, with the nickname Popeye, called all the 1st years in the hostel for a meeting. He told them that they cannot make Fairhaven shame, and was asking them what could they do for the concert.

He gave to Gilbert O'Connor the task of writing a calypso, even though he knew that Gilbert had NEVER written a calypso before. This meeting was held on the Thursday night. They had until the Sunday night when they returned, to show what they would be doing for the concert. In the meeting on Sunday night, when Gilbert was asked to sing his calypso, half way through the calypso, Popeye stopped him and started cursing, as only Popeye could.   "What the $#%@& I thought you said you never composed a calypso before."

"This is the  first calypso I ever write", was his answer. The rest is history.

For our competition one year, he wrote a calypso, about the behavior of our lecturers, after they smoked marijuana.On the national stage, I remember "Boy George" more than any other calypso that he wrote.

Garth 69 to 71

Garth Nicholas 71

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