Friday, October 16, 2020

RE: "Life IS A Stage"


My Fellow Mausicans,

What a memorable experience. Like a good Efebo play, there were numerous emotions, opportunities to laugh, cry, hope, discover, teach, grow, change, celebrate.  In other words, my stay in Sweet TNT was like a good Trini Sunday Food, ah lil bit of everything.

Barbara, on September 12th, Marj and I were blessed to board a CAL flight and return to Atlanta via Miami.  It was a blessed, six-months, spiritual journey.

Sincere condolences to the Archibald family. Archie was ah real nice Mausican Brother.  Rest in Peace, my pardnah.

Thank you Brother Errol for your contributions to the Mausican  family.

We love you, Big Brother. Even in yuh tight, tight, graduation dinner jacket.  How yuh could dance so!

.As usual,

Rodney Foster 66-68

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