Monday, August 10, 2020



Thanks to Rodney Foster who forwarded 2 interesting stories from Clyde Ballatyne, a former Sunset Villa resident 66-68. I classified those stories as "Pranks and Pranksters". Every group of 110 students committed their unfair share of pranks. So continue to send your stories of pranks and other exciting moments.

Remember when Harry Joe ordered us all to Queen's Park Oval to see cricket because some important cricketers were playing? Remember how many of us ladies fell asleep in our seats? I would love to hear that episode retold by a former pioneer. What about our visit to Queen's Hall to hear Marion Anderson?

Sports events will be retold by Arthur Small, Rick Yallery-Arthur, and maybe Felix Edinborough. How about tales of calypso competitions, Music Festivals and winning the first ever Folk Song Championship?  Apart from me (Ben Alleyne) Pearl Mulrain ( and Merle Dillon-Baker ( will be accepting input from others.

Thank you; looking forward to hearing from you.

Bernice Stephens 65

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