Thursday, July 30, 2020

RE: Mausica Legacy

Errol, please publish on the blog. It is likely that replies, if any, may come through you. Replies may be sent directly to Winston Yallery-Arthur, Ben stephens or Arthur Small.
Thank you.
Greetings to ALL Mausicans
Attached is a picture of the first Mausica Cricket team.For some time a few of us have been toying with the idea of putting together stories, pictures, experiences etc which would tell the history of Mausica from inception to its final closure, thereby becoming the legacy of a training college which probably was like no other in the country.
Starting with this picture, if you can identify the players, add participants of 63-65 year group this could  be the beginning of the production of the proposed legacy.
All year groupings are invited to participate.
Thank you for your anticipated participation.
Arthur Small, Winston Yallery-Arthur
Arthur Small 65

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