Tuesday, May 26, 2020


My Fellow Mausicans
Hello Brother Scratchie and Sister Janice,
It’s Memorial Day! As we celebrate the memories of all those who served in the US Armed Services, your sharing the recordings of Caribbean Melodies brings to mind our beloved Mausican brothers and sisters, Mr. Williams and Mrs. Cuffie who are no longer with us.
Thank you . Thank you. Thanks to modern technology.
Members of the Alumni Choir joined students of the 66-68 class to produce that memorable album. “La Porrinden” took 17 takes.  When we thought we had it nailed on take #16,  the replay revealed that a plane had passed over the campus just as we were ending  the song.  In true Mausica spirit, we persevered.
I am still in La Romain. Since March 19th.  It’s the longest time, apart from my  two  years at MTC campus and 47 years in the US, that I have been away from San Juan/Barataria. I am enjoying my social distancing in South. According to author, Adrian Bird, “Trinidad Sweet.”  As David Rudder sings, I am ah “Trini Tuh De Bone”.
Yesterday, my Pastor, Dennis Patterson,  from Holy Cross Episcopal Church in Decatur, GA, delivered a powerful sermon entitled “In the Meantime”. What should we be doing between now and the end of Covid19? He suggested getting ourselves ready to fulfill our purpose for living.
Aye, ah in de kitchen/dining room. Marjorie preparing ah US Memorial Day menu: hamburger, fries, red onion, sliced tomato etc, etc.  . Ah goin an gi she ah hand.
As usual,
Rodney Foster 66-68

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