Friday, June 05, 2020

RE: CAN WE Talk?

My Fellow Mausicans,
“Life is a series of responses in an ever-changing environment.”
Several years ago, I heard that definition of life on one of my daily commutes in Los Angeles, California. Today. I feel like shouting from the rooftops, “Stop this world. I want to get off.” According to my friend and fellow writer, the late  Vivian Patrick,  “Something Is terribly Wrong.”
Marvin Gaye wondered “What’s Going On?”
My Fellow Mausicans,  I am still in La Romain. I feel like a character in one of  Shakespeare’s  plays. ”Life is a stage and we are the actors and everyone has a part to play.” Brothers and sisters where are our stages today and what are our roles?
Today, Marjorie and I stood  with our heads bowed for eight minutes and forty-six seconds, in the same kitchen where we were preparing a  Memorial Day meal on May 25th. What will tomorrow bring? No one knows. George Floyd did not. Al Sharpton? What an eulogy. Will Humpy Dumpty sit on a wall? Will he have a great fall?
In one of my many conversations with Mr. Williams, he uttered a few words that haunt me daily, “You do It.”
Who is you? Is it I, me, Rodney, us, you, we, they. In English Language there is “You”. The impersonal you understood as the subject. In French, I recall they use the word “on”. Help me Mausicans.  Help me.
Let’s live our legacy. Now.
Rodney Foster. 66-68

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