Monday, June 01, 2020


Hello Gwen,
My Barataria Sistah.
Mausicans were a Blessed Group. Large enough to create our Legacy.
Bernice, I lived in Sunset Villa from 66-67 and Fair Haven from 67-68, so I’ll make contributions for both hostels.
Gwen. The Peters were well respected. I remember a tall , serious- looking woman leaving your yard who may have been one of the first women- police officers in  Trinidad.  What  was her relationship to you?  I don’t remember “sampling” fruits from your yard.
Sorry to hear of Barbara’s passing. She was one of Barataria’s finest. Once I lent her and Eleanor two comic books that I had borrowed from a friend. Andrew Achoy. When I went to collect them, their mother admonished me, “Sonny boy, don’t lend my daughters  any more comics.” Girl, not even Bolt coulda ketch me dat evening. May she rest in peace.
So long for mow.
As usual,
Rodney Foster 68

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