Tuesday, March 24, 2020


"Even this will pass away."
The refrain that punctuated that poem of resolve that morning,   Harry Joseph, initiation week, 1967, reading to us freshers, dwelling on the refrain, with a glorious, mischievous, hint of a smile on his face, as we sat in despair in the assembly, after having witnessed first hand that Mausica sunrise, early that morning, wanting our mammy--or whomever we thought could bring us comfort--who could deliver us from Irma Clark, and that sinister, alarming reassurance, that nobody died last year.
From the Haven, Me, Anthony Lum, Deodath Maharaj, Victorinus David, Oswald Thompson, Arthur Hume, Raymond Mendes, Peter Pariag, Clyde Maurice, Lloyd Nagee, Gaston Alleyne, Noel T., on and on,
Up there the girls....Yvonne, Maura Cooselal, Psychee, Erline, ...
I am seeing some of the wisdom now in that very early Mausica lesson.
Theodore Lewis 69

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