Thursday, August 08, 2013


I was  only able to attend that 'enchanted evening' at the Hyatt. I definitely missed 'Scratch' but meeting once more others of the 67-69 group,  Maura, Hazel, Jacqui (we called her 'Fresher' because she came in a little after the rest of us), Maxine, Marlene, Bernice, Maria as well as others I met mainly through the Alumni Choir. I really loved the sing along session but was praying all the time that no one asked me to sing about how ' de puddin' tumble down, no proof in de eating.' I am a Methodist Preacher now so I guess that is why my prayer was answered. That song would have no meaning to the 'younger' Mausicans who were not privileged to be part of that traditional Christmas experience, but when I remember the entire calypso I would share the words. In the meantime I will continue to enjoy reading about my fellow Mausicans. Thanks, Errol! Thanks to the organizing skills of Maria and Joan and the rest! Looking forward to 2015 D.V.
Pearl Mulrain 69

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