Wednesday, August 28, 2013

RE: Light A candle

Tomorrow, August 28th, Mausicans , let’s all light a candle in remembrance of that historic march in 1963.
MTC opened its doors in 1963.
What effect did the Civil Rights Movement in the United States have on the newly independent Trinidad and Tobago, in the years leading up to our independence on August 31st, 1962?.
I believe that the dreamers, the visionaries, who created Mausica Teachers College were influenced significantly by Martin Luther King and the Movement.
Would historians like Linda Edwards Romain, Efebo, Mervyn Sandya nd my batch mate, Linda Heywood., please enlighten us? Tell us about Stokely Carmichael’s role and those of other Caribbean contributors to “The Dream”.
On occasions like these, I wish that more Mausicans  were still in the classrooms.
However, our job is not over yet. Reunion 2013, was a recommitment to our motto, “Moulding A Nation Through Service”  and now  “Living The Legacy”.
I had the distinct pleasure of attending two of the many meetings of the planning committee: one at the Center of Excellence and the other at Claudina’s home in Bonaire.(Good Sunday food on a weekday)!  Hats off to all the planners.
Chairperson, Maria Mora., deserves a special award, She has chaired or co-chaired two reunions in TNT: 2003 and 2013 and consulted on four others: 2005 in Toronto, 2007 in Tobago, 2009 in Grenada and 2011 in New York. Well done my Mausican  sister. You deserve an Oscar for distinguished service.
Rodney Foster
Rodney Foster 68

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