Saturday, August 10, 2013

RE: Better late than never

Hi Errol,
I add my voice to the chorus of those thanking the 2013 Reunion Planning Committee, for their hard work in the planning and execution of the event. Well done folks. I thoroughly enjoyed all the events I attended, and seeing classmates, some of whom I had not seen since graduation was wonderful.
Re -Morning performances.  I dared to play the steel pan - mind you, I was not a pan player.   I was coached for weeks by someone who shall remain nameless. On the morning of the performance - stage fright struck.  I remembered the beginning of the tune, blacked out in the middle, but ended with a flourish. I was mortified. In hindsight however, I realize how brave I was.  Under Harry Joe's tutelage you came out of your comfort zone, and tried new things.  That's what Mausica did to you.
Best Regards
Irmin G. Lewis-McKenzie (65-67)
In the time of your life ....... LIVE!
Irmin Lewis-McKenzie 67

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