Thursday, December 20, 2018


My Fellow Mausicans,,
My experience at Mausica Teachers College was  most significant in shaping who I am today. I believe that many of us will agree that we were blessed and will be thankful forever.
On Thursday, November, 8th, 2018, I visited Mrs. Cuffie at the Gordon's Home. As usual, I sang for her, I held her hand and  sang  some of her favorite songs: Itaname, Boca Chimes, Zeela and others. I felt as though I was bidding farewell to one of my dearest friends and mentors. The Captain was "putting she ashore".
Mrs. Cuffie's movements acknowledged my presence. She knew I was there. At Mausica, she would inquire about my "Granny" like if she had met her in person.  My grandmother called her "De lady from de college." Their spirits had connected somehow. Mrs. Cuffie sang "If I Can Help Somebody" at my grandmother's funeral. A  voice had instructed me to call Mrs. Cuffie at about 6:00 am the very day of the funeral.
Scratchy, I too shed tears of joy and thanksgiving at her "Departure".  According to Maya Anelou, what a "Phenomenal  Woman". I look forward to going to church at St Mary's Anglican Church in Tacarigua, on  my next visit to Sweet TNT. Four of my saints are buried there now: my stepfather, Ivan George, my mother, Frances George, Mr. Fitzjames
Williams and now my dear friend , Daphne Pilgrim Cuffie.
Am I blessed or wat?
As usual,
Rodney Foster 66-68.

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