Thursday, December 27, 2018

RE: Evelyn Hordatt

Fellow Mausicans,
She will complete her innings of 100 runs (years) on January 4, 2019. Yes, our very own Evelyn Hordatt will be celebrating that grand birthday when she will attain CENTENARIAN status.
An invitation is being extended to all Mausicans and friends to attend a THANKSGIVING SERVICE to be held in her honour at the HOLY SAVIOUR ANGLICAN CHURCH, Curepe, on January 4, 2019, beginning at 5.00pm.
Another year is coming to a close and so I take this opportunity to wish all a Holy Christmas and a Healthy New Year.
I wish to send special thanks to all who contributed articles during the year and to Errol for keeping us connected.
Clare Creese-Woodley 72

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