Thursday, December 27, 2018

Re : Mausica Weekly Emails Dec 25 2018

Hello Mausicans,
Today I should be wishing Merry Christmas to All, but going through my emails, I came across the Mausica Blog and sadly found that some of my most cherished friends at Mausica had passed away without my hearing : Fitzie, Dudley and now Mrs Cuffie and Elmo. I'm sure I have missed the news of many more, but I'm really saddened to hear of their passing and it brings back all the fond memories of my days at Mausica and their contribution to making Mausica great.
I had unfortunately lost touch with the Mausica Blog and Alumni Events since I left New York and it was good to hear from all the contributors today, with whom I spent many happy times in the past. Great to find the Blog still going strong, thanks to my former Hostel mate, Errol and to all who help to keep it alive.
I'm still Manager with American Airlines, but now at its Head Office in Dallas, Texas (a backslider from the noble profession) and will try to keep in touch from here on.
Ron Wilson
Pioneer Student 1963-1965
Lecturer 1971-75
Ronald Wilson 65

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