Sunday, December 30, 2018


To all Mausicans in the 63 -65 groups (and 64-66) Do you remember the morning assembly performances with Harry Joe ?Well which students’ performance do you remember and would classify as out standing ...well my picks are Aifred Wafe ...Spanish Eyes and Habib Jahoor ...skit on a play named “Beni” you agree or you may have your own choices l....lets hear ....thanks
On Fri, 28 Dec 2018 at 10:06 AM, Dennis Ramlal wrote:
Thank you all for your inspiring messages and sentiments...I too want to wish the Mausican family a happy and productive new year and to say thanks to Errol for the great job
God bless you all
Dennis Ramlal 64-66


I wish to join my fellow Mausicans in thanking Errol for the incredible job he has been doing over the years in keeping the channel of communication open among us Mausicans. This blog has proven to be a powerful tool in bringing us closer - reconnecting old friends and reviving our common memories of our ‘good ole Mausica days’.  Many of us feel that our two years at Mausica were among the best years of our lives as we came into our own - being exposed to so many new experiences by Harry Joe, The Cuff & Mr Williams.  (May they all rest in peace)
As we approach the new year, I wish us all God’s richest blessings, chief among them being vibrant health.  May all your bucket list wishes be fulfilled.  May you be happy. May you be joyous.  May you laugh a lot and dance!!
Warm Regards
Irmin Lewis Mckenzie 65-67

RE: How wonderful to hear that Lady Evelyn Hordatt will be a centenarian on Jan 4. She is the last of the grand old guard and I am happy to hear that she is still with us. I remember her gentleness her ladylike grace her absolute absence of filibuster. She had a calm and soothing manner that was quite different from some other staff members. I shall light

a candle of thanksgiving for her life and witness on that day. God bless her and all those of the Mausica Chorus now home who will sing happy birthday to her from the other side.
Blessings to all who would attend the service and greet her on this auspicious day
Happy New Year to all.
A note on the closing of Mausica. Those who educate have to be willing to relinquish control over their students. UWISTA understood this that is why it’s forging ahead
The little minions in the Ministry of Education did not. What a tragedy!
Linda E. Edwards (Romain 67-69)

Saturday, December 29, 2018


Special hello to Ronnie Wilson, Mausica's baby face. I remember him well as he sat in the same spot everyday, like most of us. Greetings, my friend. Happy New Year to all Mausicans especially the "Pioneers"  63 - 65.
Bernice Stephens 65

Friday, December 28, 2018


So sorry to hear of the passing of Mrs. Cuffy, a true educator and the one who probably had the final say in choosing me for MTC, an experience I will always cherish. I am so happy to know that Mrs. Hordatt who evaluated me in TP has made it to 100yrs. So sorry to hear of the passing of the other Mausicans, I am now retired after 20 yrs in T&T and 22 yrs in Toronto. Best wishes to all for a great 2019 and hope you had a great festive season as well.
Randolph Karamath
Randolph Karamath 74


Thank you all for your inspiring messages and sentiments...I too want to wish the Mausican family a happy and productive new year and to say thanks to Errol for the great job
God bless you all
Dennis Ramlal 64-66


Blessings and thanks for this Blog.  Any news of Arlene Massiah?
Lily Walker 67

Thursday, December 27, 2018

RE: A Joyful Christmas

My Fellow Mausicans,
I had a very joyful Christmas. I hope you did too.
First, on Christmas morning, a divine spirit led me to find Joy Valdez' book of poems. I had been searching for it for about a month.  It's inspirational, well written and illustrated.
If you have read  "It's Yours- My Gift of Poetry", read it again. If you haven't, get a copy today.
Next, I called Mervyn Sandy, my Havenite Brother. In the afternoon, I met Tony Lewis, ah fella from Point Fortin who living quite in Australia. Ah say, "Yuh know, meh pardnah, Kent Rennie?"
"Yes, man. Mr. Rennie teach me in Junior Sec."
Ah call de Rennies. Sister Bernice answer. She always cheerful. We exchange greetings, ole talk and laugh.  Then ah gang ah fellas arrive.  Bernice shout out, "Kentie. Rodney on de line."  (Yuh hear sweet name. Since 1966}
Me and Gizmo blag fuh ah while. Den ah pass de phone tuh Tony. More surprises. Dey talk
an den Gizmo tell him he know two of de moppers who just arrive. More ole talk and laughter, Dat lime was great
Ah even call Calypso Rose and she talk wit we. She is ah real TNT Queen.
Later in de  evening, ah call meh Havenite roommate, Carlsbury .His Mom batting like Lara; 103.
So long for now. All the best in 2019. Let's continue "Living The Legacy".
As usual,
Rodney Foster 66-68


I trust that all Mausicans are enjoying the season.
Thanks Errol for the incredible work that you continue to do.
The 100th birthday Thanksgiving service for Ms Evelyn Hordatt ( Infant Methods lecturer ) will take place at Holy Saviour Anglican Church in Curepe on Friday 4th January 2019 at 5pm. Fr Steve West will conduct the celebration.
Looking forward to seeing as many of you as can make it.
Angela Jarvis 73

Re : Mausica Weekly Emails Dec 25 2018

Hello Mausicans,
Today I should be wishing Merry Christmas to All, but going through my emails, I came across the Mausica Blog and sadly found that some of my most cherished friends at Mausica had passed away without my hearing : Fitzie, Dudley and now Mrs Cuffie and Elmo. I'm sure I have missed the news of many more, but I'm really saddened to hear of their passing and it brings back all the fond memories of my days at Mausica and their contribution to making Mausica great.
I had unfortunately lost touch with the Mausica Blog and Alumni Events since I left New York and it was good to hear from all the contributors today, with whom I spent many happy times in the past. Great to find the Blog still going strong, thanks to my former Hostel mate, Errol and to all who help to keep it alive.
I'm still Manager with American Airlines, but now at its Head Office in Dallas, Texas (a backslider from the noble profession) and will try to keep in touch from here on.
Ron Wilson
Pioneer Student 1963-1965
Lecturer 1971-75
Ronald Wilson 65

RE: Evelyn Hordatt

Fellow Mausicans,
She will complete her innings of 100 runs (years) on January 4, 2019. Yes, our very own Evelyn Hordatt will be celebrating that grand birthday when she will attain CENTENARIAN status.
An invitation is being extended to all Mausicans and friends to attend a THANKSGIVING SERVICE to be held in her honour at the HOLY SAVIOUR ANGLICAN CHURCH, Curepe, on January 4, 2019, beginning at 5.00pm.
Another year is coming to a close and so I take this opportunity to wish all a Holy Christmas and a Healthy New Year.
I wish to send special thanks to all who contributed articles during the year and to Errol for keeping us connected.
Clare Creese-Woodley 72


I am taking this opportunity to extend warm greetings to my Mausica family . May this be a truly joyous time of year and best wishes for the new year. Special thanks to Errol for keeping us in touch with one another. Keep up the exceptional service you provide to all of us. We are forever grateful.
Marina Ramsankar 66

RE: Mausica

For decades now I have been saying that the biggest mistake made in education in the latter part of the 20th century, was the closing down of Mausica Teachers College.
I want to express my condolences to the families of THE CUFF and Elmo.
I was there from 1969 to 1971. There was a sports meeting between the training colleges during that time in south. Mausica won, and I approached her, saying that Mausica is going to make a victory lap around the field and we wanted her to lead us in the lap holding the trophy. She lead us in the lap, and what surprised me was that she did it maintaining the speed that she started with up to the end.
Her body is no longer with us, but her values, thoughts and commitment to education, remains with us and every student the we have influenced over our careers.
Garth Nicholas 71


Greetings. As one of the last Mausicians, I can easily relate to the sentiments expressed by the earlier Mausicians. Mrs. D. Cufffie and her staff ensured that the M.T.C. remained true to its name up to the last.
Vincent Booker (1977 – 1979)

Friday, December 21, 2018


I am deeply saddened by the news of Elmo’s  death I always though of him as one of the leaders in our group. He will be sorely missed. . Sincere condolences to his  family.
Marina Ramsankar 66

Thursday, December 20, 2018

RE: Big Brother ELMO

My Fellow Mausicans,
Sincere condolences to the immediate and extended  family of my Big Brother Elmo.
Elmo was part of that group of Mausican folksong singers that revolutionized folksong singing in the Caribbean. My brother from Morvant coulda real  sing and act. He was "Sweetman Doray.". He and Kay Cyrus were the greatest.
I remember travelling with him from Brooklyn to Long Island  to attend Michael Dudley Dixon's funeral.  Elmo and Bertie Fraser played their guitars. Mausicans cried and sang. It was another unforgettable Mausican experience.
Thanks for the memories Brother Elmo. It was a pleasure meeting you. Rest in peace.
Rodney Foster 66-68.


My Fellow Mausicans,,
My experience at Mausica Teachers College was  most significant in shaping who I am today. I believe that many of us will agree that we were blessed and will be thankful forever.
On Thursday, November, 8th, 2018, I visited Mrs. Cuffie at the Gordon's Home. As usual, I sang for her, I held her hand and  sang  some of her favorite songs: Itaname, Boca Chimes, Zeela and others. I felt as though I was bidding farewell to one of my dearest friends and mentors. The Captain was "putting she ashore".
Mrs. Cuffie's movements acknowledged my presence. She knew I was there. At Mausica, she would inquire about my "Granny" like if she had met her in person.  My grandmother called her "De lady from de college." Their spirits had connected somehow. Mrs. Cuffie sang "If I Can Help Somebody" at my grandmother's funeral. A  voice had instructed me to call Mrs. Cuffie at about 6:00 am the very day of the funeral.
Scratchy, I too shed tears of joy and thanksgiving at her "Departure".  According to Maya Anelou, what a "Phenomenal  Woman". I look forward to going to church at St Mary's Anglican Church in Tacarigua, on  my next visit to Sweet TNT. Four of my saints are buried there now: my stepfather, Ivan George, my mother, Frances George, Mr. Fitzjames
Williams and now my dear friend , Daphne Pilgrim Cuffie.
Am I blessed or wat?
As usual,
Rodney Foster 66-68.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Re: A Bit of Nostalgia

Note the year Government Teachers' College opened its doors.  WOW!!! Triple WOW!!!!
Anna Maria Mora 70

RE: A Bit of Nostalgia

Dear Mausicans,
When I was transferred to UTT  Valsayn Teachers' College, I walked along the corridor on the southern side of the Auditorium and as I normally do, I read everything I find "readable." Lo and behold the attached was, and still is on the wall. Everyday I cannot miss it when I pass by . Nostalgia floods my senses almost every day.  Please find attached. HIstory is embedded in a wall.
Maria Mora
Anna Maria Mora 70


Thank you for maintaining this blog.   Condolences to the family of Mrs Cuffie and also to the family of Elmo Phillip.
Lily Walker 67

Monday, December 17, 2018

RE: Mrs. Cuffie

She was a lady in every sense of the word. She was caring and selfless. I must repeat what I submitted a few months ago when during an earthquake she risked her own life by coming out of her house and telling us to stay inside because it was dangerous to be outside. But what I remember most about her is how she dealt with you when you asked for assistance with your academic work. She didn't just give you solutions. She would engage you in discussions on the subject even to the point where you felt it was a waste of time and before you knew it the answer was staring you in your face. She was a thinker and encouraged us to be the same. May she rest in peace!
Pearl Yvonne Mulrain 69

RE: Joining Mausica weekly blog

Hi Errol I am happy to join the blog again but sad to hear of the passing of dear Mrs Cuffy and my classmate Elmo Phillip . I extend my sincerest condolences to their families
My wish for all Mausicans to have a Trini Christmas at home or abroad
A bright and prosperous 2919
Dennis Ramlal (1964-65)

RE: Rejoining the Mausica blog

Hi Errol ....It nice to express my feelings of joy to be back on the blog but it is very sad to read of the passing of our dear Mrs Daphne Cuffy and my class mate Elmo Phillip....I personally convey my condolences to the families of both .I would also like to subscribe to the blog and contribute to the weekly e mails my email is
I would like to take this opportunity to wish you Errol and your family a very bright and prosperous new year and a Trini Christmas to all Mauscans at home or abroad ....Best of luck for 2019 with God.s blessing
Dennis Ramlal (1964-65)


Re-Cuffie & Elmo:
It is in the integrative restoration of understanding and application of the lost that we appreciate their contributions to the MTC family .My deepest condolences to the families.
Dr. Cliff Bertrand.
Former MTC Lecturer.


R.I.P Mrs.D Cuffie, a true educator and beautiful soul. I will always remember the words of her opening Christmas address to the student body of 1973;
" Christmas is for giving as it is for forgiving" that message has always stayed  with me. She was indeed one of a kind.
Peter Brewster 75


Love and best wishes to all!  Still cannot wrap my head over the fact that Elmo is now gone, but at the same time happy to be reacquainted, at this time and as a result of this blog, with the names of people, so special and precious to me, from the time we lived as a family at Mausica Teachers' College.  It's one of the silver linings, I guess, as we share our memories & our collected grief,& one that Mrs Cuffie & Emo Phillip would delight in knowing.  God Bless!!!
Joy Marshall - Barnes, '64 - 66.
Oh, and Finbar Ryan many thanks for the "Mausica 12 Days of Christmas."
Joycelyn Marshall-Barnes 66

Wednesday, December 12, 2018


Dear All:
This is to inform you that Elmore Phillip died on Saturday December 8th and will be buried on Wednesday December 12th. The funeral will take place at 10 am at the St Dominic's RC Church, Lady Young Ave, Morvant. Burial will take place at the Tunapuna Public Cemetery.
Lennox Austin (64-66)

Tuesday, December 11, 2018


Thank you, Errol for maintaining this blog.  It appears that I must have missed this entry for some reason.  And, only became aware of both Mrs. Cuffie's passing as well as now Elmo's as a result of a phone call I received from my sister this past Saturday.  As with every Mausican, I concur with all the plaudits of this amazing, awesome, wh, together with Mr. Williams, became that singularly awesome duo, that changed all our lives forever.   They left an enormous legacy for each of us to continue in the lives we would go on to affect.
I am not on my computer/cell phone as often as I probably should.  I must make an improved effort to be more diligent in that regard.
As for Elmo, I'm grieving the sudden loss of my friend!  Ever since Elmo had gotten my telephone # he would keep in touch with me from time to time,  over the years, especially on Christmas Eve without fail, when just about midnight as I, with my son, when he was younger, was setting the table for breakfast the next morning, while  listening  to the midnight Mass from Rome, the phone would ring.  It was Elmo on the other end.
The last time he had made one of his random calls from Trinidad, I had insisted on a telephone no. so that I could keep in touch with him.  When I had gotten around to trying the no. I was unsuccessful, and didn't quite know how to establish contact.
For those who knew Elmo Phillip, as I did, I was always impressed with his intellect, his voracity for knowledge and his depth of same.  He was very accomplished in a variety of academia, most notably, as I recall Mathematics & Spanish.  He was always upbeat, no matter how difficult a time he might be experiencing.  Always with a laugh in his voice, always seeking to know how the other person was doing.  And, just basked in being a Mausican,  loving & caring about everyone of us he knew.  I am smiling as I recall, a phone call from him was never remiss from him interspersing the conversation with, "I still love you,"  despite my consistent admonitions.  ?
I have, and will continue to miss this very special friend.  Still cannot believe he's gone.  I am hoping to get information on his funeral, and as well,  to be able to do something, perhaps send flowers.  I appreciate any assistance in getting that information.
I am so sorry to know that Elmo had suffered so much.  But so glad that his pain & discomforts are no longer.  May he rest in peace!
God Bless!!!
Joycelyn Marshall-Barnes 66

Re: Condolences

May Divine Light shine on Dean Daphne Cuffie and may her soul find eternal peace. Amen. Mrs Cuffie embraced what she was called to do with tenacity and gumption. She was certainly a force to be reckoned with. Thanks to all who were able to pay their last respects in person. 
To the family and dear friends of Elmo Phillip, former '64-'66 classmate, my deepest sympathy and prayers are with you
Eternal rest grant unto Elmo, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon him.
Quote: “Heaven may be won, not by the sword, not by human wisdom, but by Faith, Love, and Good Works.” 
Peace and goodwill,
Bernadette Pierre 66

Monday, December 10, 2018

RE: Elmo

Elmo's funeral: Wednesday December 12th, 10.30am at the St Dominic's R,C. Church, Morvant and thence to the Tunapuna Public Cemetery.
Felix Edinborough 65

RE: Elmo

Hi Errol,
Elmo Passed around 4:20 am on Saturday last.
may his soul rest in peace.
Gregory Wallace 67

Saturday, December 08, 2018


Good morning guys,
It is with a great deal of sadness that I have to advise you that Elmo Phillip has just died.May his soul rest in peace.
Austin Warner 65


She was a great educator, leader and treated everyone fairly and with great respect...
Blessings to her family.
Anand G
anand g
Anand Gogar 79

Friday, December 07, 2018


What an indelible mark Mrs. Cuffie made in this world. She once commented on an essay I wrote, "never sacrifice clarity for brevity". From that moment I didn't. The statement opened my eyes to the great tenets of excellent essay writing. I am sure she did something small or big to each person she groomed. She mentored her students with motherly care. May God provide comfort to her family and receive her into His loving arms.
Bernice Stephens 65

RE: Fwd: Hot house Nov. 28/18

Here we are celebrating the end of another year of friendship at the HOT HOUSE in Toronto.
Kay, Florence Irma, Errol, Yvonne, Magnell, Tanya (Brenda's daughter), Tanisha (Penny's daughter), Penny, James (Irma's son-in-law), Brenda, Hayden (Irma's son), Barbara, Gerry, Eunice (Gerry's wife)
We wish you all a merry Christmas, happy new year, continued great friendships and best of health always.
Thank you MAUSICA.
"and this too will pass"

Brenda Alexander 65

Tuesday, December 04, 2018

RE: tribute

Hi Mausicans,
Attached is the tribute that I gave at Mrs. Cuffie's funeral. Unfortunately because of circumstances I was asked only the night before.
I was very happy, however, to see Mausica well represented. The majority of the congregation was Mausica.
I was asked to say a few words of tribute to the departed Mrs. Daphne Cuffie, and I want to stress the word ‘few.’ I however have found this very difficult not because of the length of time allotted to me, but because my knowledge of Mrs. Cuffie is somewhat limited, as I first met her when I was a student at Mausica  Teachers College so I know little or nothing of her earlier years, which I know would have been very important in forming her into what she eventually became. I nevertheless will share what I know of her in the time that I got to know her. Others who knew her better will give you more information.
Normally when we get to know people we notice that of aspect of their character that stands out most prominently and it is this that we would use to describe them. So we may describe one person as generous, another as domineering, someone as vindictive and yet another as friendly. What I found stood out most for me when I got to know Mrs. Cuffie in Mausica was her heart. Not just that she was hearty but she was what I would call ‘all heart.’ She loved to help.
What do I mean by this?  She impressed me as someone who put all her heart into whatever she did, whether it was work or play. I thought too that this attribute could not have been developed overnight but had to be nurtured from her very childhood. Thus what I am saying about Mrs. Cuffie from my encounter with her in Mausica can, I am surely confident, be applied to her entire life.
She worked tirelessly day and night to make sure she was giving her best. Students of Mausica can give many examples of what Mrs. Cuffie did to help them in their work. Hers was not an eight hour working day but she tried to use up as much as possible of her allotted twenty-four hours in helping others. Students know that I am not exaggerating when I say that after class when they were comfortably ensconced in their rooms at the hostel Mrs. Cuffie would appear, not to check on their behavior, but to offer assistance to those in need.
She had an eye for the weak. In other words she was able to identify the student who was having problems with their studies, and had difficulty understanding an area of the massive curriculum and she would offer help. She was so present in our lives that you would at times hear the expression, “O gosh, she cyah go home and sleep.” Her intention was not to be a bother, but to help and she did help many. I am sure that this distinguishing feature of her character was present from her early years and continued throughout her life.
It was the same Mrs. Cuffie when it came to the Mausica choir. Her enthusiasm was again evident at rehearsals where she taught, composed and conducted all to the benefit of her students. Her passion in conducting was such that on one occasion when conducting the choir on stage at Queen’s Hall, her extreme energy caused a degree of embarrassment, for her fervent body motions caused her skirt to begin a downward motion to the ground. She never noticed this and continued energetically to the end of the song.
The purpose of the foregoing anecdote was not just to evoke some humour but especially to give an example of how she put her heart into everything she did, whether curricula or extra-curricula.
Students and others who knew can share many more examples of this person who was so full of heart in everything she did. We do not now have the time to hear them all for she has to be buried today.
When describing people like Mrs. Cuffie we are tempted to use the cliché, “they don’t make them like that anymore.” I do not think that such a description does justice to her. I rather say that such people are rare and seldom made. They are shining examples in any age and are few and far between.
When people like Mrs. Cuffie depart this earth we often say that we have lost a good person. I say now what I said of another Mausica staff member Mr. Williams: We do not lose such people. They have given us so much that it is now up to us to invest the treasures that they have bequeathed to us. Mrs. Cuffie will remain in our memory, which is a power of the soul, and so as her body journeys away from the earth, may what she has done for us, her spirit, her soul, remain with us and may she enjoy everlasting happiness."
Felix Edinborough 65

Sunday, December 02, 2018


As you may know by now Mrs. Cuffie was buried on Saturday and from the information I got the funeral was arranged principally by Mausicans. Mausica was also very well represented in the congregation. It was a true Mausica funeral.
I went to see Elmo on Sunday at the Palliative Care Centre at Caura. He was lying in his bed quietly and not communicating. However whenever I called his name he responded with a light raise of the eyebrows. When I mentioned my name several times he gave a slight smile and when I was about to leave I asked him if he was ok and he gave a slight nod. It is obvious that he is hearing but he is unable to respond.
On my way out I asked that nurse about his condition and all she would tell me is that he is the same since he entered. We need to pray for him.
Felix Edinborough 65

Saturday, December 01, 2018


R.I.P Mrs. D. Cuffy.. A progressive educator who was way ahead of her time, even now.
Vincent Booker (1977 – 1979)


Elmo is very very ill. He's at the Palliative Care Centre at the Caura Hospital. He is suffering from amnesia, cancer and a tumor in his brain. Let extend to him our collective prayers
Jack Warner 65


Mrs. Cuffie was unique. She was relentless in her pursuit of excellence and wanted everyone around her to succeed. She was very demanding but dedicated to her students.
Because of the dedication of Mrs. Cuffie and Mr. Williams, the choir became one of the best in Trinidad and Tobago.
I remember her coming to the hostel (I was ill) and teaching me the Hallelujah chorus (in my bed) for an upcoming concert. We have lost a giant and I am grateful that among other things she taught me the meaning of commitment. I send love and prayers to her family, friends and the Mausica family.
Elmo was my acting partner for the folk songs" Sweetman Doh Ray" and "Is a long long time" I send positive energy out to him, and I hope that he is at peace and his pain is being managed. I lift him up in prayer.
Let us all remember to love (accept, respect and appreciate) one another.
Kay Thomas Cyrus (64-66)