Thursday, August 02, 2007

RE: memories of the Tobago reunion
Hi People,
How are you all doing? Many have told me that they needed something to help them come down from the high they were on with the reunion. It is called "debriefing" in some circles. Maybe, we should have found a "rum shop" after the dinner and dance and "debriefed." Coming back down to "reality" was difficult for some. I am still "tired". Found myself in the Emancipation Day Parade though, with all my tiredness. When I heard the drums and Ella and Resistance and Stalin, all d t iredness left me and that was it. It rained like it never rained before. There I was dancing in the rain, in the streets, it was a truly liberating feeling. I envisaged the whole Mausica Tobago Reunion and more with a banner saying Mausica Alumni, prancing and really emancipating ourselves from the drudgery and mundane-ness ( is that a word, Pat?) of everyday life. I smiled with the world. I saw a few Mausicans in it and they looked really happy. I really hope that the reunion made all of you, just simply happy. Happiness helps with peace, and no matter what is going on in our personal lives, periods of happiness are really necessary to give us a reason to go on. Peace is a fruit of the Holy Spirit and I really hope that the reunion allowed you all to pick this fruit along with Charity, and Joy.
For all of those who have been trying to get on the website, I receive an e-magazine called "Trinidiary", and the last edition I received, I was reading it and saw info about Mausica Reunion, it was old info, but it asked that you go into the website to get the reg. forms etc. and it listed the website. I went in and got on to the website. Could not before. This is it, there was no "www " so try that and it should work. Let me know if it did.Abundant Blessings and a World Full of Love to you all. Anna Maria
Maureen, thanks for the pics.
Anna Maria Mora

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