Thursday, August 23, 2007


Oh,I will forever regret missing that gala ball until Grenada comes around.

My pictures did not come out well, especially those taken on the first night. The lighting was not of the best. there is one of Korenza and Maria which I am attaching. I managed to get a few from the bus drive which I am sharing.Scratchy, the one you took with the camera turned backwards did not come out,I guess the camera went into shock. The one you took of me, and also, I do believe, the one with JB and Esther and me looks fine, so I am sharing those.

I am off to Antigua in the morning for meetings. If any Mausicans are there , please hail me at Jolly Beach Hotel. I will be there until Tuesday.

Again, thanks for the relaxing days in Tobago. This is so rare for me. My doctor was very pleased that I was able to abandon work for a few days.

I returned to Tobago for two days for an appointment and got another sea bath.Lovely.

I received some sad news today. The co-owner of Viola's Place, James Brathwaithe, my good friend and fellow attorney-at- law died on Monday of a heart attack. He was 69 years old. I believe some of you stayed there. He will have funeral services in Tobago and Trinidad and will be cremated in Trinidad. This is the seconfd lawyer to die this week. The other was Terrance Thorne. He was 58. He was also my good friend. May they rest in peace.

Love to all.
Hazel Thompson-Ahye

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Terry(Thorne) was my brother in law's nephew. We visited him in July after the reunion and he was his usual jovial self. The fact that he lost his vision in his twenties never slowed him down, He was an inspiration to all that knew him.