Wednesday, August 01, 2007

RE: hello Mausicans
Hi again
I wrote the lyrics... really a parody on a parody entitled Camp Granada which had a similar theme... disgruntled campers who eventually find something to be happy about, The melody is actually a classical tune w hich someone more musically endowed might be able to identify.
Best bluffers sang tthis at the official opening of MTC on Monday, September 16, 1963:

hello mudder, hello fadder,
here we are stuck at Mausica
got no blankets, got no pillows,
some of us aint got a bed but guess that follows.
we've a kitchen, ain't got no cooks,
lovely classrooms but no school books
classy college, nothing in it...
seems our needs are getting greater by the minute

Take we home oh mudder , fadder, take we home
we promise not to ask to leave your loving care again
take we home , oh mudder, fadder take we home
we promise not to fret and give you cause to send us back to get...

Wait a minute, trucks are coming...
pillows, blankets, things are humming
If things keep on so improving
mudder, fadder from Mausica we're not moving!

Thanks to the younger Mausicans among the pioneers who were able to correct my hazy Tobago memory of these lyrics.
Pat Ryan

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