Friday, August 24, 2007

Hi Mausicans
I remember Kay Weekes well. How has she managed to stay away from reunions??Montserratians were again touched by the hand of God as once again we were spared from a Hurricane ( dean) which so devastated other places. Do you know that since the volcanic crisis started in 1995 we have had either nothing or just bearable winds and rain? I am now of the opinion that the arrival of a hurricane on Montserrat will be a sign that the volcano is going back to sleep. It is really true that HE never gives us more than we can bear.
Used to love soursop icecream as a child but my present favourite is real coconut icecream or evem pumpkin and coconut which I Tasted in Trinidad... yes I said Yuk! too , BEFORE I tasted it and went back for more! I have now been unsuccesful in accessing 3 sets of photos ( Maureen'Brenda's and Tom's) I am doing something wrong... tell me what please. Love you all...pat
ps will give you info on the Soufriere hills volcano.
Pat Ryan

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