Saturday, September 21, 2013


Fellow Mausicans,
I found the blog postings of Sept 20th 2013, to be particularly sad - specificially the entries of Theodore Lewis.  I felt his pain.  Heartfelt condolences to the many friends and relatives of Phillip Kendall.
The ego never quite accepts the fact that there is an arc to life and with increasing age you are drawn closer and closer to closure. No man can look at his own death with a steady eye. The desire for immortality is real.
With increasing frequency I hear of the passing or serious illness of my contemporaries, and each time the news floor me with the same intensity.  It never gets easier. What then is the answer?....
"In the time of your life .... LIVE.  That time is short, and it does not return again.  It is slipping away while I write this and while you read it and the monosyllable of the clock is Loss, Loss, Loss, unless you devote your heart to its opposition." Tennessee Williams
Best Regards
Irmin G. Lewis-McKenzie 65-67

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