Wednesday, September 18, 2013

RE: Alumni Awards - September 25th

Hi Erroll,
Next week I’ll be returning to Edmonton to receive an award from University of Alberta alumni. See link below (Alumni Honour Award category).
With the Mausica 50th Reunion still fresh on my mind, I would like to share this award with all of my Mausica colleagues. Little did we know back then where life after Mausica would have taken us, but wherever we ended up, we all know where it all started.
I know of three Mausicans living in Edmonton – Marina Leung Woo, Heather Ratsoy, another at U of A – I was unable to reach Heather, but Marina will be attending the ceremony. If we missed anyone, feel free to join us. We will be celebrating after the reception.  Watch out for photos in the next blog.
Selwyn Jacob 63-65

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