Friday, September 20, 2013


Let me first congratulate Selwyn on his award.  You certainly deserve it.  U of A knows your worth and celebrates you.  All of us at MTC celebrate you too, Selwyn.  We are richer for having you in our midst.
Secondly, Scratchie, I know the feeling.  You never get over the death of a mother.  A friend shared that with me when my mother died. Not a day passes, she is always with me.  Many in Arouca, who knew my Mom, see me coming up the street and say "Look Mathilda coming."  Phillip is another "story."  He was really something else.  a "MAN" among men.  He certainly left his mark on this world in more ways than one.  Little did we know in 2011, when we met at the picnic.  On a visit to French Guiana,  I visited an African Village in the interior, where descendants of the Maroons still live.  It was explained to me that this village is not a replica, it is exactly what it "is" when the maroons escaped from the plantations,  long before the Emancipation proclamation.  At the entrance of the village, there is a large open thatched roof, tapia floor hut with wooden benches and some tables.  In this sacred space,  the village meets and talk, make decisions, worship and have their celebrations.  This is where, when a baby is born, the villagers come and wail, cry and hold on to their bellies, because they know the trials and tribulations this baby will go through in this world as it grows into adulthood.  This is where they come when some one dies, to celebrate; they dance and sing, because they believe that real freedom and peace have come. There will be no more suffering, anxiety, unhappiness, war, hunger, deception etc. etc.  I will never forget this visit.  I was so moved  at their deep faith and acceptance of death as the freeing of a person's spirit that I hugged one of the posts.   What will it take for us, who have been dragged away and torn from our root to look forward to death, as our ancestors did?  Thank you so much, Scrathie for sharing your pain. I know that many of us feel this way.
Mausicans who attended the funeral to be one with Phillip's spirit were: Gloria Samuel; Wallis Wyke; Claudette Phillip and daughter; Phyllis Mottley; Bernice Dyer-Regis; Lystra Jean-Paul; Gerry Honore; Noel T. Duncan; Theodore Lewis (Scrathie) and of course Maria Mora.  It I left out anyone, please forgive me.   Let us know if you were there, and what it meant to you.
Thirdly,  I too am anxious about the magazine.  I would not want it to be just a printed copies of pages put together.  We need it to be a classy mag. that will be here for generations to come--- copyrighted etc etc.  Possibly lodged with the Library of Congress etc etc.  I have asked for pictures of the year groups, and any pics that people may have. I have had initial discussions with a publisher, about this magazine.  The need to get advertisers for assistance with the publication.  It will have a glossy cover---- maybe hard cover (then it will not be just a mag.) glossy pages.  The design and layout will have to be done.  We will have to do at least 500 copies.   I have to check my files. Yes, Linda you sent everything to me, but my email was hacked into as many of you know. It was very distressing.  I had to take this laptop to be reconfigured. It really gave some problems. I lost some of my files.  Really hoping that what you sent me was preserved. If not I will get in touch with Joy.  I will be going to see the publisher next week, and will arrange to have the copy sent to her.  I am thinking that the cover design could carry the silhouette of MTC's buildings. Dave has the silhouette which is an artist's impression.  Please be patient everyone.  This will take some time.  We have lots of pics for this year's reunion and also 2011.  We will need to get  pics, since our reunions began.  Pics will have to b print-ready.
I see a pic. of Errol in his original hostel vest and his original graduation jacket.....which he has been wearing to reunion dinners-complete with the original stain (not sure if it is food, drink or make-up Emoji), and many more pics. in a section of the mag.  You know doing something that  will be memorable and even for use on coffee-tables, will take some doing.  Patience, please.
Anna Maria Mora 70

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