Friday, September 20, 2013


Yes Scrathie!
Solid Seven from La Brea. Home of the World Famous  Pitch Lake. The band was from Point D'or (place of Gold) "Black Gold" that is.  I grew up opposite to the house (Carlton Grant's house) in which their Band Room was located on the Point D'or Junction. The Grant brothers Elton and Errol formed the Band. On the other side of the road was the Point D'or recreation ground.
This is where you most likely went to the fete. I can see why you had the misconception that the Band was from Point (Point Fortin) you were at Point (Point D'or) blame your friends who took you to a fete in the darkness and kept you in the dark.
I hope this brought you some light.
Orville Wolsey
Sunset Villa
1971 - '73

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