Monday, January 04, 2010


There are now no more CDs. I will be asking Alisford to so some more. Phillip Kendall ( remember him, people), Arthur Small, have ordered. I have the last two which have been ordered by Sylvia Sankarlal, and Godwin. I will get Alisford to do some more, so if there are any of you out there who would like to order, please let me know. Do not want to do too much and have them there. I am sure that we will be doing some to bring up to the NY reunion. If you do not want to wait that long, no problem. Just let me know.
You all heard that Beyonce will be in Trinidad on February 18th. The VVIP tkts went at $1,600TT and were sold out in two days. TSTT (BMobile) is bringing her here, she is on her South American tour. They are printing more $1,600TT tks. The tks start at $450.00 to $1,600TT. Any thoughts about this? I guess this is what DEMOCRACY is all about.
Anna Maria Mora

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