Thursday, January 21, 2010


Hi Errol: Just to say "THANKS" to you and Moira for the effort you made to provide me with the Mausica CD. It is not yet in my hands but it will be very soon. I always look forward to getting your emails and to learn of the Mausica family and their lives. It so very sad to hear of the passing of Mr. Maundy and all the other people, some of whom I remember. If we look forward only to this life here, there is not much hope for us but with a future life in view we can withstand anything. God is a good God and if we look to Him no matter what the circumstance, He will see us through regardless of what confronts us. My heart aches for the Haiti victims. Life is so precious but it can be taken away very suddenly. God help us all.
Sylvia Sankarlal

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