Friday, August 07, 2009

RE: Reunion 4
My fellow Mausicans,
Grenada was an enjoyable experience. It was another wonderful Mausica family reunion.
Thanks to the entire planning committee for an excellent job. A few twists and turns here and there did not prevent us from having a memorable experience in the Spice Isle.
Marj and I greeted "old" friends with hugs and kisses and made several new ones. Too numerous to list. We are looking forward to New York, New York in 2011. Start saving your dollars from today.
My book signing at NALIS celebrating the 20th anniversary of Remember Wen? was a spiritual experience according to Farida Chapman, a new Mausica Sister..Both she and Felix read at NALIS. Several other Mausicans attended the thanksgiving celebration.
A Roland Maundy Foudation was announced so send your contributions. Stay tuned for more information from the blog.
It's almost midnight. Ah gorn.
As usual,
Rodney Foster

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