Friday, August 07, 2009

This blog coincides with the resurrection of my computer after at least three weeks. My last visit to Grenada was in the pre Mausca period( Yes! I AM that old) so I was totally wowed by the appearance of the place which I described as " bigger than when I had last seen it." I am totally impressed by the courtesy and helpfulness of the people. Postage was half the cost that obtains in Montserrat.
I had a wonderful time and was happy to see so many of the " younger" Mausicans, which augurs well for the future of the reunions. New York will be upon us in the twinkling of an eye and it is not too early for the TRINI posse to start planning for 2013 when we celebrate the big 50! Will we alll wear something gold?
Special hello to Lesley Ann ( for Joan) as we say in Montserrat. Brenda Alexander Perez, you are a gem of great value. Many thanks to the Grenada team. Love and blessings...Pat
Pat Ryan

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