Sunday, August 23, 2009

RE: Letter from Sydna Grell Belgrove.

Hi Errol,
This is Your fellow sister Mausican,of Yr'.68'-70. who is just touching base,and personally want to commend you on the fantastic, labour of love, you do, in keeping the Mausican Blog going and the family line in tact. Blessings!
I didn't make the Grenada Reunion '09, and from all reports;I know I've missed a Super Gathering.
Please keep sending all those interesting mails, and I will like to get some photos of the Spiceisle lime and include, any pictures of yourself and the gang. Although you are a very important Mausican, I really don't have a clue,as to what you look like.(Don't LOL, I'm serious).
Thank you.Keep up the great job.
Sydna Belgrove-Grell.

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