Sunday, August 16, 2009


I am very sorry that I missed the Reunion in Grenada. From all accounts, everyone seemed to have had a great time. I am still in Venezuela taking care of some personal stuff. I have heard that New York got the vote as the site for the next Reunion. We are flattered and we have not met to discuss this in its entirety. We would definitely need all the help we can get to pull this off so we will be starting from the time I get back to New York ,which will be early September. I know that there are lots of Mausicans in and around New York and this would be a good time to get them all involved. Wish us good luck.
Thanks Brenda for letting me know of the vote. Sorry I did not get back to you as I was in Columbia. Will talk when I get back to New York.
Bernice Warrick-Tarradath

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