Saturday, August 15, 2009

RE: Remembering 1973-1975

Hi Peter,
This is good stuff that I am sure will bring back pleasant memories to many fellow Mausicans when it hits the blog. I was a pioneer, Mayfair Mansion, of course "the best in the whole campus" of 1963-64.
I live in Ottawa and am an active memebr of the Ontario, Canada chapter. The NY Mausica alumni chapter was voted to host the next reunion; this is your neck of the woods so we should see you there, God willing.
Date: Thu, 13 Aug 2009 11:40:40 -0400
I lived at Sunset Villa, the best in the whole campus of 1974. We had great guys like,to mention a few...Dale Scoby,who could never beat me at a game of chess if his life depended on it.Gary Woochong,the only member and president of the Chinese association of Mausica.My roomate Hudson Rogers,who brought me breakfast when I was too ill that day.Francis Young, just a great guy.Kenneth Draighton, Desmond Haynes,Mantab,Tambie,Kamal,Blood,and many others .We looked out and looked after each other.In the words of my dear late friend,Everton Warner who visited the campus one night,"Dis is ah real togetherness" This way of campus life came to an end in 1974 when the doors were closed for new dormitory students the following year.The yearly fresher initiation,was halfheartedly carried out and even questioned by many if it should take place.You see,the new batch of students arriving in September of 1974,left for there homes at 3.00pm.
The were older students, some with extensive teacher experience,some were wives,husbands,some with families.We tried our best to pretend that nothing changed.But could we. Six hostels were reduced to three.A silence visited at night. Activities slowed.The flavour of Mausica left.But we made it through to graduate in 1975.Mausica resurfaced as Valsyn Teachers College.Yes.But as a shadow is to its substance.
Conrad Thomas

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