Monday, August 31, 2009



Dear Fellow Mausicans,
Thank God for the Mausica Blog.I came in late on Thursday night from Halifax and decided to check the computer before going to sleep after midnight and read of Bridget's death and intended burial the next day. It was just a little while ago that we had been together in Trincity Mall where I gave her a total rundown on the Grenada reunion. She was sorry she had missed it. In January when I wrote of calling Mrs.Cuffy on her birthday, I had mentioned that Bridget was not doing so well, but I had no idea we would lose her during the year.She taught my two girls at UWI Laboratory Pre-school and we had kept in touch over the years.she does not live too fart away from me. I was glad to see that there was a good turn out of Mausicans at her funeral. The tributes were wonderful. There were some Mausicans there that I had not seen for many, many years.
Let's continue to support one another.I leave sweet Trinidad on Friday. I'll be writing you from Nassau next time.
Hazel Thompson-Ahye


I attended Brigette's memorial funeral held last Friday. What a tribute ... by way of attendance.... and moreso, the portrait of her life of service to the nation, particularly the early childhood care and education sector.
I was personally touched by her quiet, always dignified and very skilled way in which she worked with children in her own school and at the University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Campus. For me, my daugther is one of the many, many beneficiaries of her service. She would certainly be deserving of a National award, even if posthumously.
Brigette, you have gone to be with the saints.... we would continue to take example from you stewardship, and at some point, we expect to join you... . Do give 'Psyche' (Allison Taylor-Mentor -- 1968/70) our regards
Gwen Williams (1967/69)

Friday, August 28, 2009

RE: Pictures

Forwarded by request from PK to have same posted on the MTC blog. PK is Phillip Kendall.
Thanks in advance.
Sent: 8/24/2009 8:44:33 P.M. SA Western Standard Time
Subj: Fw: Pictures
Mausica Track team 1966-1968.
'Yesterday when I was young'
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Keith Aqui
Sent: Monday, August 24, 2009 11:32:48 AM
Subject: Pictures
Please advise whether the transmission was successful. Thanks.
Phillip Kendall
Earl John

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Thank you Errol, for the list of Mausicans. I know that many Mausicans will be deligted to see it, so I have printed a copy esp for the early '70.I will pass it on when necessary: brings back beautiful memories. Having taught a few thousand students, some of us remember the surname of comrades or the first names alone.
It would be nice to see some pictures and videos of the Sports, the Mausican concerts and Calypso tents esp since many Mausicans have worked for more than33 and one third and have thrown in the towel, or are about to. Let us enjoy those wonderful moments before we part ways. Pat.
Patricia Scott-Phelps

RE: Condolences

2009-AUG-26-2320Hrs Dear Errol,
Another Mausican passes on. Bridgette Henry-Haye (64 - 66) passed on Monday last. Her funeral takes place on Friday, 28th August at 12.00 noon at the St. Mary's Tacarigua AC Church. She was a quiet, excellent student who went on to excell in teaching at various levels.
A tribute will be given on behalf of all Mausicans.
Barbara Mellowes

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


I sincerely and graciously thank all my Mausican family for their kind wishes and assistance when I became ill in Grenada.Iwas sorry to miss the dinner and dance but wth God's grace next reunion I ought to be in better health. We are truly a family .
Patricia Abraham

Monday, August 24, 2009


Hello Errol,
The Mausica Weekly E-mails really keep the diaspora informed. Many thanks for the time devoted to keeping us as a family.
Has anyone written a history of the MTC campus? I'm afraid I'm out of touch with significant changes to the site since I last saw it at the beginning of 1967...but I do know that it has been abandonned (??) What were/are the views of locals and the Ministry of Education? If nothing has been printed, please forget my request.
Health and happiness!
Ancyl Ainsworth Ash

RE: Mausica Info II

Hello Peter,
Saw your info on MTC site. Happy to reconnect. Must apologize for the many times I woke you up after returning to hostel from visiting Ms Vat 19 .... you must have been sick of hearing me lecturing you on the Bolshevik Revolution. We were both History majors.
Copying Conrad Thomas Mayfair - 1963-65 ... saw he responded to you. Thomas taught me English Form 1 ModSec.
Clifton DeCoteau - Fair Haven - 64-66 Retired Principal Of St Stephen's in Princes Town and SS 111.
Copying some other mates on my list ... you can reconnect with them.
Isaac Victor 1973 - 1975 .... Fair Haven - Recently hooked up.
347 787 2211 - Home
917 459 8639 - Mobile
Lives In New York.
Copying Atiba ... Mayfair - 1970 -72 formerly Selman Dyett. We attended ModSec together.
Kamal Abdool
561 376 7251
Conrad Thomas

Sunday, August 23, 2009

RE: Letter from Sydna Grell Belgrove.

Hi Errol,
This is Your fellow sister Mausican,of Yr'.68'-70. who is just touching base,and personally want to commend you on the fantastic, labour of love, you do, in keeping the Mausican Blog going and the family line in tact. Blessings!
I didn't make the Grenada Reunion '09, and from all reports;I know I've missed a Super Gathering.
Please keep sending all those interesting mails, and I will like to get some photos of the Spiceisle lime and include, any pictures of yourself and the gang. Although you are a very important Mausican, I really don't have a clue,as to what you look like.(Don't LOL, I'm serious).
Thank you.Keep up the great job.
Sydna Belgrove-Grell.

Saturday, August 22, 2009


I wish to expess my thanks and gratitude to all my Mausican family who were so concerned and worried about my ill heath in Grenada. I am alright now but these vertigo attacks appear without any prewarning.I have been doing lots of tests which have been inconclusive so far.
Patricia Abraham


God bless you Errol, keep up the good work. By the way, in which year group were you? I am from 1971 - 73. There was Errol the actor in our group. I am not sure that there were any other Errol s. Pat.
Patricia Scott-Phelps


Thanks again Errol. Peter Brewster ( related to Vernetta 1963-65?) never mind the change to Valsayn. You only need to be present at one reunion to realise that Mausica occupies a space that cannot be contained within walls... it's like WE ARE THE WORLD! and I do not say that lightly or with conceit.
Someone needs to document the non residential years.
Pat Ryan... the most senior Mausican, President and to date only member of the Montserrat Chapter... Honorary menbers Felix Edinborough and Anna Maria Mora , along with those who claim kinship to Montserratians.
Pat Ryan


Tom ah c u say u was in Mausica 1963-64 an eye tort u leff in 65? 1/2zymaz steppin in?
Correction for memorial: The name is Stanley Gloudon.
Felix Edinborough

Monday, August 17, 2009


I am a Mausican from the year group 1973-1975.Myname is Isaac D Victor and my e-mail address is Please include me in your weekly e-mail listing.Many thanks.
Isaac Victor


Hi Errol,
Thanks for the wonderful job you do keeping me informed.
Unfortunately I was unable to attend the Grenada reunion but I am certainly looking forward to New York 2011..
I love reading about my fellow Mausicans. Keep in touch.
Jemma Jordan 72 - 74.

Sunday, August 16, 2009


Hi Errol,
It was a real pleasure to meet and greet this wonderful gentleman who keeps us all in touch and informed via the Mausica Weekly Emails. Errol you are doing a great service for all the Mausicans who read the emails. i really appreciate the work you do .Keep it up. Grenada was an interesting reunion for us all. The trip to Carriacou was worth the money. I really enjoyed the activities planned for the reunion.A million thanks to Alphonsus, his wife, Megan, Yvonne Brenda and the organising team. Well Done.
Judith Lennard('70-"72)


I am very sorry that I missed the Reunion in Grenada. From all accounts, everyone seemed to have had a great time. I am still in Venezuela taking care of some personal stuff. I have heard that New York got the vote as the site for the next Reunion. We are flattered and we have not met to discuss this in its entirety. We would definitely need all the help we can get to pull this off so we will be starting from the time I get back to New York ,which will be early September. I know that there are lots of Mausicans in and around New York and this would be a good time to get them all involved. Wish us good luck.
Thanks Brenda for letting me know of the vote. Sorry I did not get back to you as I was in Columbia. Will talk when I get back to New York.
Bernice Warrick-Tarradath

RE: Keeping in touch

Subject: Keeping in touch
Date: Wed, 12 Aug 2009 12:48:49 -0400
I was lead to the site by Merv Garvin, a fellow Mausican.My name is Peter Brewster .Was in the class of 1973-1975.Mrs Daphne Cuffie was the Princ. It was an experience that has stayed with me everyday since.Some of the lecturers at the time were,Mr.Wafe,Mr.Wilson. Mrs roopchand VP, Mr Douglas Mrs Thelma,Mr Maundy,Mr Batiste,Mr .Samuel, and many others. There was so much unity,respect,and communal spirit at the campus at that time,I used to pinch myself all the time back then.We laughed ,we cried,we played we studied together.Then we went our separate ways. TOGETHER! For years I relived the campus life with friends and family as if to spread the fun we had that others missed.This site has just fanned that flame.
Peter Brewster
Conrad Thomas

Saturday, August 15, 2009

RE: Memoriam

Hi Errol,
Stanley Glouden.graduate of class 1974.Died some years ago in the mid eighties.I didn't see his name in the memoriam.
Peter Brewster

RE: Inclusion

Hi Errol,
My name is Peter Brewster,and I graduated from MTC in 1975.My name is not on the list of graduates.Please include me.
Peter Brewster


Dear Friends,
Greetings to all! I thoroughly enjoyed Grenada, save for my mishaps. I am fine.My doctor here blames it on stress. Apparently, that is responsible for a lot of ailments.I am still working as hard as ever, though, preparing for a meeting in Halifax next week. Any Mausicans there?
I attended Allison's funeral and sang my heart out although our last conversation was her complaint about my singing at Cascadia. It was good to see some folks from our year group there whom I had not seen for many years.
I enjoyed immensely Rodney's 20th anniversary celebration. I am so glad I attended.I always thought it a coincidence that the piece I did at Jack Warner's Centre of Excellence for the Reunion was entitled : Remember When , Memories of Mausica Teachers' College, when I had not even heard of Rodney's book then. Great minds thinking alike or fools seldom differing? Take your pick. So far, Errol I do not know where my piece was saved, so I have not sent you an electronic copy as requested and have not gotten around to typing it over or scanning it in.Soon , soon.....
I have already started to advertise New York. It is only now that I am writing this that I remembered that I had taken some photos in Grenada that I have not yet down loaded and looked at.
I went on the Mausica compound to drop off one of my books for Claudette. Needs a Grell Cup clean up. Any takers?
Be happy. Be safe. Be patient with your loved ones and those whom you do not even like.
Hazel Thompson- Ahye

RE: Remembering 1973-1975

Date: Thu, 13 Aug 2009 11:43:22 -0400
Peter brewster 1973-1975. MTC
Hostel. Sunset villa
Conrad Thomas

RE: Remembering 1973-1975

Subject: Remembering 1973-1975
Date: Thu, 13 Aug 2009 11:06:00 -0400
I was twenty one years old the year I entered Mausica.I became part of something that has never left me.We were students from every part of TnT.Determined to make a difference.We were learning and discovering, Paradigms and language structure were taking shape.New approaches to integrated Mathematics were introduced.It's like we were given all the tools to go out and make a difference.
Conrad Thomas

RE: Remembering 1973-1975

Hi Peter,
This is good stuff that I am sure will bring back pleasant memories to many fellow Mausicans when it hits the blog. I was a pioneer, Mayfair Mansion, of course "the best in the whole campus" of 1963-64.
I live in Ottawa and am an active memebr of the Ontario, Canada chapter. The NY Mausica alumni chapter was voted to host the next reunion; this is your neck of the woods so we should see you there, God willing.
Date: Thu, 13 Aug 2009 11:40:40 -0400
I lived at Sunset Villa, the best in the whole campus of 1974. We had great guys like,to mention a few...Dale Scoby,who could never beat me at a game of chess if his life depended on it.Gary Woochong,the only member and president of the Chinese association of Mausica.My roomate Hudson Rogers,who brought me breakfast when I was too ill that day.Francis Young, just a great guy.Kenneth Draighton, Desmond Haynes,Mantab,Tambie,Kamal,Blood,and many others .We looked out and looked after each other.In the words of my dear late friend,Everton Warner who visited the campus one night,"Dis is ah real togetherness" This way of campus life came to an end in 1974 when the doors were closed for new dormitory students the following year.The yearly fresher initiation,was halfheartedly carried out and even questioned by many if it should take place.You see,the new batch of students arriving in September of 1974,left for there homes at 3.00pm.
The were older students, some with extensive teacher experience,some were wives,husbands,some with families.We tried our best to pretend that nothing changed.But could we. Six hostels were reduced to three.A silence visited at night. Activities slowed.The flavour of Mausica left.But we made it through to graduate in 1975.Mausica resurfaced as Valsyn Teachers College.Yes.But as a shadow is to its substance.
Conrad Thomas

RE: Remembering 1973-1975

Hi Errol, let's welcome Peter to the Mausica family; please add him to to your distribution list
Date: Wed, 12 Aug 2009 13:04:56 -0400
Please include me on our site.
Peter brewster. Graduated 1975
Address. Linden new Jersey
Phone...908 463 4734 Mausican forever.
Conrad Thomas

Friday, August 14, 2009


I found my roomate!!! After thirty-three years, we met in New York. Please pardon the pun, but it really was ajoyous occasion. I feel so blessed. Cynthia Addison Bernadine and Joy James Valdez
Joy Valdez

Monday, August 10, 2009

www.worldclasstnt <http://www.worldclasstnt/>
So what do Maya Angelou and Austin jack Warner have in common? check the above web site and see..
For those of you who want to take it a step forward... Contacts in Trinidad are Ms St Hilliare Bastien 1 868 621 1933 and Ms Althea Bastien 1 868 624 3274
Pat Ryan

Sunday, August 09, 2009

could I get the email address of Ronnie Wilson? Ist "'?
George Bobb
RE: Phillip Kendall
Hello Errol,
Having left Grenada I am now in New York where last Sunday I had the good fortune of meeting Phillip Kendall ('72-74) who had come to Prospect Park to play football. His e-mail address is:
He specially enquired about Dr Cliff Bertrand and asked me to convey to him his regards. I am therefore copying this to Cliff.
Earl John

Saturday, August 08, 2009

man as the names come to mind,i'll passthem on(cannot locate my graduation booklet)1977:angela baboolal,andrew suruj,fadia ali,ballideo ramnanan,barthol pallai,shaffiat rahamut.
Lal Ramesar

Friday, August 07, 2009

Very sad to hear about the untimely passing of Allison "Psychee" Taylor, as reported by Finbar Ryan. Came in 1968, as a first year to my group. A very warm human being, and quintessential Mausican. Wingate girl with all of the wonderful zest of that hostel. Hope she had peaceful final days.
Theodore Lewis
University of Trinidad and Tobago
Unfortunately, I was not able to make the Grenada union which seemed to just as much fun and nostalgia as the one I attended in Canada 2 years ago.
On a sad note, I am saddened to hear of the passing of Psyche (Allison Tayloe-Mentore) who was my first year (67/69 -- 68/70). How well I remember her as our Wingate sis, always a ready smile, self assured and much fun. May she rest in peace.
Gwen Williams (67/69)
I have an apology to make to Earl John (Storm). He was on my list of performers for the informal concert on the night of the dinner and I do not know how I managed not to call him. I had his name on my programme to close off the show as I thought that his poetry performance would be very strong and would be a fitting close.... but I just forgot. Earl, I am very sorry and just cannot explain the omission.
Felix Edinborough
RE: Deaths
Celia Parker was one of my mates in the same year group. We attended church together off campus. I met her at the airport in Tobago a little before the Tobago reunion and she promised to attend but didn't. We all have to get our acts together and make our lives right with God because we don't know when our day will reach. It's reason for concern when you see your mates passing on.
Euline Fox-Peters 1970-72
I missed this reunion but it seems like you all had a great time. God bless!
This blog coincides with the resurrection of my computer after at least three weeks. My last visit to Grenada was in the pre Mausca period( Yes! I AM that old) so I was totally wowed by the appearance of the place which I described as " bigger than when I had last seen it." I am totally impressed by the courtesy and helpfulness of the people. Postage was half the cost that obtains in Montserrat.
I had a wonderful time and was happy to see so many of the " younger" Mausicans, which augurs well for the future of the reunions. New York will be upon us in the twinkling of an eye and it is not too early for the TRINI posse to start planning for 2013 when we celebrate the big 50! Will we alll wear something gold?
Special hello to Lesley Ann ( for Joan) as we say in Montserrat. Brenda Alexander Perez, you are a gem of great value. Many thanks to the Grenada team. Love and blessings...Pat
Pat Ryan
forbes persad of 1977 year group made a name for himself in cricket!
Lal Ramesar
RE: Reunion 4
My fellow Mausicans,
Grenada was an enjoyable experience. It was another wonderful Mausica family reunion.
Thanks to the entire planning committee for an excellent job. A few twists and turns here and there did not prevent us from having a memorable experience in the Spice Isle.
Marj and I greeted "old" friends with hugs and kisses and made several new ones. Too numerous to list. We are looking forward to New York, New York in 2011. Start saving your dollars from today.
My book signing at NALIS celebrating the 20th anniversary of Remember Wen? was a spiritual experience according to Farida Chapman, a new Mausica Sister..Both she and Felix read at NALIS. Several other Mausicans attended the thanksgiving celebration.
A Roland Maundy Foudation was announced so send your contributions. Stay tuned for more information from the blog.
It's almost midnight. Ah gorn.
As usual,
Rodney Foster

Thursday, August 06, 2009

I want to express my sincere thanks to the LOC (local organising Committee) for the successful Rendezvous 4 just concluded on the Spice Isle. This was my first reunion and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The decor especially for the gathering was outstanding. Errol it was nice to be able to meet the person behind the blog. To Betha thanks for your support. Grenada is a lovely holiday destination. Grand Anse was visited everyday. WOW! looking forward to New York.
to those i met for the first time it was a pleasure to those i knew before it was also a pleasure to have met you again.
My condolences to the bereaved families
Clare Creese-Woodley
RE: thank you
Please express my thanks to the members of the committee who planned Spice Isle Reunion 4. I know it was a major task especially since there were so few of you. This was my first trip to Grenada, so I really appreciated the activities, as they gave me an opportunity to see the island. I would especially like to comment on how safe I felt in Grenada and how trustworthy the people are - having forgotten my bag with valuables and money on two occasions and was able to retrieve them intact. Again I would like to compliment you all on the ambiance and the decor for the events which were held at the Trade Centre - Spice Isle reunion won the prize in these areas. The weather cooperated fully, contributing to a successful reunion.
"And this too will pass."
Brenda Alexander-Perez

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

RE: Mausican 1974
Hi Randolph,
Thankx for making contact and welcome to the Canada Mausica family. I am forwarding your note to Errol Lashley so you can be added to the blog distribution list, etc. so you can keep informed of what's going on generally. I am also copyign Brenda Alexander-Perez who is our action person in Toronto.
You just missed our "lime" on Sunday afternoon which was small but fun.
P.S.Are you related to Habzah Karamath (pardon the spelling if I got it wrong) from San Fernando..teacher, dancer, violinist, etc?
Conrad (Tom)
Subject: Mausican 1974
Date: Tue, 4 Aug 2009 14:22:57 -0400
I am a Mausica Graduate who now lives in Toronto, Canada. I teach at Cedarbrae Collegiate Institute for the last 15 years. My year of graduation was 1974. I may have names/ group picture of other graduates especially from Sunset Villa. Other facts: Leader of Steelbandits steel orchestra..teach steelband at CCI as a music credit course which I introduced..also teach for Naparima Alumni Association Steelband class.
Video clips can be found and forwarded on youtube. Search words ..Cedarbrae Trinidad..(our Trinidad Trip 2007) or ...Cedarbrae Barbados ...(our trip in 2008)...... Cedarbrae Massey Hall...Steelbandits.... My band website is
I hope to be involved in any Mausica Alumni Group in Toronto.
Randolph Karamath
Conrad Thomas
This is just to advise of the passing today of yet another Mausican...Allison Taylor-Mentore (Psyche) 68-70 after a brief battle with cancer.
finbar 72
'take time to laugh for it is the music of the soul....'
Finbar Ryan

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

RE: Sad News
Another one of us hs been called home. Celia Parker Williams 70-72 Wingate passed away last week. Funeral services will be held on Tuesday 10.30am Wesleyan Holyness Church San Juan and Tobago later in the week, not sure when and where.
May she rest in peace.
Phyllis Mottley
RE: mausica graduates e-mail listing
Please include lynette thompson [67-69] in your e-mail address listing.i met you in grenada.
thank you.
Lynette Thompson
RE: summer lime for the blog
hi errol,
don't know if you are back from grenada. I am still down here in the sun. All mausicans, their friends and families are invited to our lime on Aug. 2 @ Winsley Belille's home from 2pm. For further info call Brenda at 416-289-3366. Videos and pictures from spice isle reunion will be shown.
Brenda Alexander-Perez
RE: reunion 2011
New York won the vote for the next reunion. Hope this is okay with the New Yorkers as there was no rep. to say "yay" or "nay".
spice isle 2009 won the prize for decor - each event that was held at the trade centre left me saying "wow".
Brenda Alexander-Perez