Thursday, April 04, 2013


My Fellow Mausicans,
Dis blog is someting else, oui. It bringin de past into de present. Jus yesterday ah oletalk wit meh Havenite brother, Ivan Ragoonanan. Over forty years I eh see meh pardnah. We talk fuh about ah hour. We call names like bush. Like ah lentil peas soup. We talk bout Braf, Efebo, Andre, Sweet Face, Ralphie, Caton, Gerry,Taitt,Grell, Heather, Irma, Linda, Ms Cuffie, Mr. Douglas, Fitzy, de Joe, Harrison an many others.
Ivan doing well in Connecticut. He is ah big time horticulturist, gardner, landscaper, at  one ah de best Botanic Gardens in de world. In de Bronx.
We Mausicans in everyting and everywhere.
Aye Felix, Pierrot Grenade, ah want yuh tuh spell Connecticut and Horticulturist fuh we in July.
Aye, hear nah man, is 2:40 a.m. By de way, Ivan order meh book, 'Remember Wen?' an ah CD. Order yuh copy today.
Errol, yuh see wat dis blog doin meh? Keep up de good work, Big Brother.
As usual,
Rodney Foster
Aye Joan, get yuh nice dan dan and sequins. Bring yuh hushand and Alisford will supply all de music we need tuh "Dance down memory Lane".
By de way, call Wack Radio and request some Mausica folk songs. Last year July, ah give dem ah  Mausica CD. Better yet,  go an interview wit dem. Dey treat meh real nice.
Rodney Foster

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