Thursday, March 08, 2007

RE: Mausica Reunion
I don't think a one day workshop is the way to go although it's something that those who are on site can think about. i believe weare already passing on the Mausica legacy in parts of the world where we live. Although we don't do it for the praise our contributions have been recognised formally an informally. When we acknowlege I'm sure we never omit the part that Mausica has played in our lives of service. Inmy case I always recall my parents contribution to community life in Fyzabad and the education... very broad based whichj i received at Fyzabad Intermediate,( Motto: Culture and Service) now Fyzabad Secondary. Incidentally my Headmaster there was a Tobagonian, Harold Telemaque.
The french writer Voltaire said " Il faut cultiver son jardin" i paraphrase to say do what you can, where and when you can. Just think what the result would be if we all did this!
This is the longest e mail i have ever written....God bless you all.
Pat of Montserrat
check our volcano on

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