Saturday, March 24, 2007

RE: Mausica History
Hi All
One of the greatest events that is forever etched in Mausicans memory was the removal of a pot of "hot pelau" commando style from Wingate Hostel. Some who were never there have a habit of giving the impression that they were present because of the great folklore attached to the event. Mausicans of the 70-72 period cherish this memory. After the girls chased down Ma Bereaux yard fowl all the way in Carenage to make this pelau it never got the chance to hit the table. Elke Somers Marcelline Ward, took umbrage and a la Moshe Dyan launched an attack on the suspects (Pelau Commandos) in Mayfair complete with gilpin. Poor Warden Scanty could not handle the situation. Scanty will always be remembered for announcing that he was making a "raid" to see who were the bottle throwing culprit. Two of the greatest years of my life were spent at MTC. Thanks to Mr Julien and Ms Browne (Everette the marathon man's mom) for saving me from Ms massiah's brand or balanced diet.. what with rice and curried egg or fried egg? Gimme ah break.
Loved it all the same.
Allan Noreiga

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