Sunday, March 11, 2007

Re: Mausica History
This a part of the history of the lighter side of Mausica. The entire hostel is plunged into darkness as the main switch is thrown. The chantuelle leads as the call sign is broadcast: "This is Mayfair Mansion Radio Station signing on." As midnight approaches, 23 collective voices unite in a very educational activity--Choral Speaking. The entire campus enters a state of suspense as the news is broadcast about things and people on campus. Apart from local and international events, the newscast had to include failed and jilted loves and lovers, persons and the times they were seen 'clocking' on the 'highway' between the male and female hostels, and of coure the Golden Potsoon award. This was awarded to those female students who had hefty appetites as evidenced from their plates in the dining room.
Squeals and giggles could be heard from the female hostels, and the next morning qroups of students engage in spirited conversations in an effort to identify or relate to the persons and their activities mentioned in the broadcast, especially when names are not mentioned. Some relationships would either be mended or broken. For most Mafairians though it would be cut eye and the usual steups, but the next broadcast is usually eagerly awaited.
Ah! the life of the journalist!
Just as I was about to put my name to end this, I remembered there was a public telephone booth at the western end of the classroom block. I used it once, and curiously tried one of the keys I had on a bunch. Voila! it worked!!! I was using free calls long before the advent of cell phones, because I would simply unlock the receptacle and retrieve my coins.
Herbert Garvin

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