Saturday, March 17, 2007

RE: Mausica History
Since we love to reminisce: I recall the last time I went Tobago with the Mausica Alumni Choir. We returnedto base and to settle down to sleep when we all discovered that the sticks for our cots were missing,so we could not set up our cots. We decided to make the best of an uncomfortable situation, but one of ourmembers decided that he would beat drum all night( was it Gregory?) so no-one could sleep. We all spent avery painful, sleepless night.
The next day Mr. Williams called a meeting, gave a long lecture on the stupidity and selfishness thatcharaterized this action ( I had never seen him so angry), and ordered that the perpetrator was to be"sent to Coventry." No-one could speak to him for the duration of our stay in Tobago. I do not think anybodydared to breach Fitzie's order, although we did feel a bit of compassion and had long forgiven the culprit.
I also recall our year group '68-70 not being allowed to graduate. It was the year of black power, but wewere away from all the excitement in Port of Spain. We were sent home early because, among other things,some wise guy, in the midst of the very sensitive black power upheaval, decided to light a fire underthe stage in the auditorium.
Raffique Shah and Carl Lai Leug, soldiers at the time, had come up to Mausica a few times to help uswith our marching for Sports Day. At the time, Carl was engaged to a Kirkendalian, Glenda, whom he latermarried. We were shocked when we learnt that Raffique and Carl were imprisoned for taking part in themutiny. A couple of us visited them in prison.

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