Friday, November 22, 2013


Dear Errol,
What  joy to receive this weekly blog!  I can use all the joy I can get as I have been attending too many funerals lately. I saw Janet, Matthew's widow at lunch time mass at Sacred Heart last week and expressed my condolences.  She is grieving, as is to be expected , and can use our support.
I have some minor corrections to the memories about Mausica. as I recall none of the names of the hostels were hyphenated. The women's hostels were  "Wingate" and "Kirkendale." I cannot forget our cook , Mr. Julien. Please include his name, unless he was not there in your time and you are dealing only with the early staff. Mr. Julien met me walking in a daze on Frederick Street, soon after a pickpocketer had relieved me of my wallet containing the princely sum of $120 which I had just collected from Mausica for the Christmas holidays. He gave me taxi fare to go home. This happened when he was not in my good books. The day before, I had approached him at the  food counter and asked him for an extra napkin and he had slyly told me to go by Matron, as she had plenty. I did not think his remark at all funny, so I had glared at him and walked off.
I must share that I spent a couple of nights at Kariwak Hotel last week.I remembered Maria had stayed there during the reunion and had said that breakfast there was great, so I decided to try them instead of Mt.Irvine, where I normally stay. I had gone over to Tobago for a funeral of a dear friend and we decided to stay on for an extra day and night. It was a wonderful experience. After the shock of no television in the room and no internet access, I began to appreciate how great it was to relax and actually carry on long conversations. I even went to Pigeon Point where I had not been since my honeymoon some 30 years ago. (The facilities there need some attention, though.)The Clovises were very hospitable. It will not be our last visit. We are recommending that hotel to all our friends and relatives.God knows w e need a break from the madness in Trinidad.
Love to all and do have a great week.
Hazel Thompson-Ahye 70

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