Wednesday, November 06, 2013


Rodney, your vision is huge!!!  Thanks for your commitment to what was once the beautiful campus of Mausica Teachers' College,  that magical place which attracted the best and the brightest, administrators, faculty, student teachers, and staff members, in general.  And where, I have always maintained, I spent the happiest 2  years of my life!  As I am sure we all remember, Mausica was born out of a vision of the Ministry of Education, in the awesome era of our then Prime Minister, Dr. Eric Williams.  And to which purpose, a special task force was established, and sent to England to study a variety of the best teacher's colleges in Britain.  Those members were charged with creating the plan for the one totally unique college of it's kind, the likes of which had never existed before in the entire Caribbean.  The college that would be a consolidation of all the insight they had received. The inimitable first principal of the celebrated and awesome. Mausica Teachers' College, Harry Joseph, was himself a member of that task force.  And may have been it's leader as well.  And here in keeping with our noble beginning, there is another vision, and call to action.
I will do whatever I can to assist.  I am also thinking that I can have my sister Marion scope around our many relatives in Trinidad for any suitable skills that may be applicable, and seek their contributions.  Maybe there are those of us that may feel compelled to do the same.  I also have an idea that the campus could be utilized in some way for a specialized, distinctive educational function, for specific target groups. What an amazing seed you have planted!  And what an exciting venture to propel us forward!!
Thank you much.  God Bless!!!  Joy Marshall Barnes, '64 - ' 66.  I really like this!
Joycelyn Marshall-Barnes 66

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