Saturday, November 02, 2013


Perhaps a wilderness, a bandan, is the legacy we want? Could this be the message that is being sent? Silence and inaction for nearly forty years may be message enough.A few may whip a dead horse, but that will not make him run.
I have seen old ruins, in Herculaneum- excavated from the explosion of Vesuvius, in Rome, Genoa, in Barcelona, in London and other parts of England,in Saudi Arabia and in Bolivia. Ruins tell their own story. If we "redo" Mausica at great expense, who will inherit it, care for it, prevent it from going to ruin again? Perhaps, like the American soldiers who liberated Europe in WW11, we could met until only one of us is left standing. The real memorial is that we changed the lives of many young people, in a unique place.
These buildings and land are government property. The same government(CIVIL SERVANTS STAY ON. POLITICIANS CHANGE)that closed it down must want it as a ruin.  Centeno lives on. "Take That, you young people who thought you were so much!" may be the attitude of those who did not go there.
Linda Edwards

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