Thursday, November 14, 2013

RE: "Living The Legacy"

Dear Errol and Mausicans,
Today we attended the The National Primary Schools Championship Awards Ceremony. It was beautiful.  It took all of us back to the days when we were at Primary Schools and involved as Choir Mistresses, Dance Tutors, Choral Speaking, Schools' Steel Bands, Drama,  and so much more.  You could always find a Mausican in Queen's Hall or in Naparima Bowl organizing, orchestrating or conducting.  Those of us who attended were Joan Parris Braithwaite, Yvonne Francois Pilgrim, Pamela Redhead, Annette Hunte Lessey, Liz Noel London, Alice Hume, Evangeline Vincent Davis,  Nginaa Uzoma (Valerie Thomas), Donald Graham and of course our every faithful photographer, Orville, and Maria, of course.    Thank you so much Orville for being there for us.  Now this is what happened.  We took the Challenge Trophy and the Replica.  Everyone felt that the Replica looked like a Challenge Trophy, it was the exact replica of the large one, but just a little smaller. When I took it to the Trophy Table, they were in awe and said that they were going to give the "replica" to the winner of the Secondary Schools' Folk Choir, because they had no trophy for them.  This Award Ceremony is happening today Friday.  Those of us there had not problem with this and I am sure that you all will have no problem with this.  Actually, the Sanfest Committee did replica plaques for each school, so that the schools received their replicas.
The school which won our Trophy was Laventille Girls' and Boys' R.C. Combined.  Would you believe that they won with "Every Time Ah Pass."  The teacher was so happy to meet us, she was ecstatic. She wanted to take a picture with us.  Pictures will be posted next week.  I presented the trophy to the winning school.  I cannot attend today so Nginaa (Valerie) will be doing the presentation.  Actually, she was actively involved years ago.  She is from the Southland.  Joan and others will be attending.  It was really a very spirit-filled experience for us all.    The school at which I taught when I left Mausica, Sacred Heart Girls' R.C. won most of the prizes.
After 5 of us went to lunch at a place calle Nichossa, at Gulf View. Joan introduced us to this and we really had some delicious food and the camaraderie was evident.  You all know that my brain is going a mile a minute now, so when the teacher of Laventille Girls' and Boys' Combined told me (of course, I had a chat with her) that she when she was searching for a folk song, that she went on the internet and found ""Every Time Ah Pass" and learned that it was from Barbados, she knew nothing else and was so happy to get a little history.  I thought ( when I came home) that I would go and share with her one of our CD's with the Mausica Folk Songs, so that she will have material to use in the future. She would not have to go searching.  I am again sure that you all will have no problem with this.  Enough now. Ah gorn. Ah need to sleep. Today was really great. Sorry that you all missed it.  PIcs will be posted next week.  Blessings.  Maria
Anna Maria Mora 70

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