My Fellow Mausicans,
Rodney Foster's vision of Mausica's 65 acres does not entertain our buying or maintaining those hallowed grounds.
Mausicans do not have the money nor the time to restore the Mausica Campus to its past glorious days. There will never be another MTC. The ruins have spoken and some of us have listened. Today calls for a new vision. Can you imagine the reactions of those who first heard of the dreams of some visionaries to build a pre-service, residential teacher-training college on productive sugarcane fields and citrus groves? Fifty -five young men and fifty-five young ladies receiving free room and board, plus a stipend of sixty dollars a month. Let's thank God and the government at that time for taking action to fulfill the dreams of those" crazy people".
Opposition must have been fast and furious.: " You want to pay dem young people three hundred and thirty dollars a month? Harry Joe, Carlton Gomes, allyuh must be crazy. Tuh besides all dey go want tuh do is play "sports and "chess".
Fast forward the clock to July, 2013 and let us shape responses to what we saw on our last visit to our former MTC.
Foster sees us as well- qualified consultants, not using our money to fund the development of the campus, but working together with the government of the day to maximize the use of that land. It's the government's land and they have the money and responsibility to help the community. We have the expertise in several areas to help complete the new masterpiece.
Recently, Foster read an article about a name change in Laventille. Old St Joseph Road will now be called Bertie Marshall Boulevard. What a deserving tribute to an icon in the history of pan. Foster recalls jumping in Forsyth Hylanders, de young people band. A band of panmen and inventors who introduced electrified pan and the tenor base.They mastered the classics playing such tunes like Gypsy Ronda and Let Every Valley Be Exalted and others by Bach, Mozart and Bethoven. Dose were de days of chipping down Frederick Street and going down by Police Headquarters tuh listen tuh sweet pan.
My friends, all it takes is a few of us to present our visions to the right sources. Finbar gave credit to our Mausican Brother, Jack , for making the call to facilitate our "Return To Mausica".
By de way, will there be a reunion in 2015? Let's start the planning now. Inform us on the costs so that we can put them in our budget. Let's take a poll.
"All in favor of a return to TNT say Aye".
Let's go further East. Like Grande. Maura Couselall and Graham, what about ah wildmeat lime in Grande or Toco. Up North, a day down Pier 1 or Chagville and of course a big concert at MTC.
Enough fuh now. Ah gorn.
Rodney Foster
Rodney Foster.
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