Thursday, November 22, 2012


Hi Errol,
It appears that the prevailing thought is that the proposal be disseminated on the blog. Please do so on your next installment.
We have been involved in education for most of our lives and this is an effort to continue having an effect on the educational system of Trinidad & Tobago by a “micro”  instead of /in conjunction with “macro” strategy. The availability of  a well rounded education to the people of any community directly affects the upward mobility of individuals and the general progress of  the group.
The Mausica Teachers College Alumni should commit itself to adopting a school and concentrating our human, pedagogical, financial, organizational and experiential resources to the adopted school to facilitate and enhance the learning experience of the students. 
1.Criteria for selecting the school:
a. Location.
b. Needs.
c. Some form of application process which allows us to gauge the school’s commitment to the program.
d. Other.
2. Involve Principal and Staff:
a. Sell program to school Administration.
b. Include a PTA component.
c. Discuss the limits of our assistance.
d. Discuss our intrusion into the life and functions of the school, and what we intend to accomplish.
e. Length of our adoption.
3. Resolve Bureaucratic/Ministry concerns.
4. Develop criteria for measurement of progress/results.
Committees would need to be set up to review applications and select the school; supervise the project; prepare a report to be delivered at our reunion; deliver interim reports so that at the end of two years we are not suddenly aware that the project is not going well; accounting regarding expenditures on the adoption.
Additionally, there has to be a separate committee dedicated to fund- raising, and accounting. Financing and accounting transparency are always paramount.
There is, additionally, the requirement of longevity and sustainability of commitment to the program which may necessitate a legal structure that survives the existing body of Mausicans.
I have discussed the broard outlines of the program with some of us prior to this submission, but would hope that it merits further consideration, and, if possible, rapid implementation.
Constructive tweaking, amendments, recommendations, criticisms, modifications are expected and welcome.
1. The committee responsible for implementing the program should include a student.
2. May need to adjust the school day for specific participants in the program, or the entire school.
3. Address transportation needs if there are changes in the school days, eg: starting classes earlier so that extra or co-curricular activities can be incorporated.
4. A meals component.
5. Tax free legal status for the project, especially to accommodate fund raising.
Forgive me if I have left out any comments relayed to me. It was not intentional. Please add them via the blog."
Winston Yallery-Arthur

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