Friday, November 16, 2012


I feel if Mausicans having a brunch or punch anyplace including the oval or savannah, here or overseas, all ah we should know bout it...especially Haven men, we being the greatest hostel in the world, producing heroes like Rodney Foster, Kent Rennie, Deodath Ojah Maharaj...real heroes, not to mention Carlsbury, Efebo, Phillip Kendall, Sto, Arthur Hume, Clydee, Lum, Benjie, Reynold Davis, Miguel, Murrell...
And ah notice Ainsworth torquing Progues....bout how Mausicans catalyze, and fantasise... and dis and dat....but some ah dem did thief orange too, and not men from Haven only... and PNM did lock up one or under all de ole talk we better lie low in case police still looking for some ah we...although...
with a Mausican as Minister of National Security might be possible to arrange blanket arm nesty.
Ah gone.
Theodore Lewis (Lord Scratchie)
Fair Haven-67-69 and forever
Calypso King 69

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