Friday, November 16, 2012


RODNEY FOSTER'S CONTRIBUTION of Nov. 8 was quite refreshing. I commend him for his determination to use our dialect in this forum. I'm surprised to hear that some people didn't like that. It is disappointing to see that some people haven't yet accepted the value of our dialect. Dialect introduces familiarity, instant understanding,camaraderie, pleasant feelings of acceptance and joy, social creativity and good expectations. These human experiences were part of our stay at Mausica, The uniqueness of Mausica enriched our Trinbagonian persona. Mrs. Cuffie tried to help us appreciate our dialect. The nostalgia brought on by Rodney's letter is good for us as we move towards the celebration of our 50th. Anniversary. I certainly wish we all able to enjoy those celebrations next year. P.S. This letter was written in standard English because it is important that non-dialect persons get the message! I luv inglish jes like ah luv dialek. I sorry dat mih mudder din teach mih de patois that she used to talk. Imagine I talking inglish, Trini dialek, patois and de Spanish ah learn in secondary school. FOUR languages! I sure ah coulda geh ah job in de U.N.
Donald Graham

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