Saturday, October 13, 2012


re sending on account of error address.   Blessings, Pat
Mausicans, Mausicans, Mausicans
The Blogmaster is incredibly good at what he does but short of putting an ad in some global machine, the ony way the address list will grow is mainly through word of mouth or by simply sending in the e mail addresses of Mausicans who may not already have been included.   It is then up to them to follow up. Please let us all be grown up about this... it is not a secret society and ALL Mausicans should be a part of the fun.
About registration... no prizes to us for doing what we have been asked to do with lots of time in which to do it.   The Organising Committe needs a special commendation for making this work for us.   Love you all and please get those addresses to Errol ASAP.
Pat Ryan

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