Friday, October 12, 2012


Hi Errol,
I have said this before but I will say it again. I just wait for Friday morning to read the Mausica emails. Thanks for keeping us connected. Keep up the wonderful job.
I just want to let Andre know that the blog is for all Mausicans who are interested in keeping in touch. The question of marketing should not arise. This is only a friendly FAMILY business with each of us trying to reach out to others - to laugh, to cry, to grieve and just be in touch. Welcome to Michael and Vincent.
Maria, I really believe that the Fosters should be given a large discount for registering first and also for their consistency in attendance. I meet them at all the reunions I attend. What a lovely couple! I have only missed the reunion  in New York and I am so looking forward to 2013. See you all there.
God Bless,
Judith Lennard

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