Sunday, October 14, 2012


Hi, all.
I am so excited to see mention of Victoria Fraser, a member of our clique at  Wingate Janice Walker Barnes. Maureen and Pat Gill, And , the two hilarious ones of the group, Bernadette (Pinky) Mitchell, and, Joan Forde, who was Vicky's room mate.  June Martin, though not of Wingate, was also of the group.  I am thinking of one other person, who like Pinky was also from Tobago, whose name escapes me for the moment. She did not get into as much mischief as we did.  June and I made contact again just last year..  Good to see your name and message in this blog, June!  I had arrived in Toronto the same year as June and Carol Aqui (Serette), became room mates.. Vicky had endured a lot of teasing from us, especially Joan, when Bertie  came into her life.  Vicky,  I always picture you just as you looked then.  By all accounts you did just great, not at all unexpected.  Enjoy your retirement in good health and longevity.
I have always claimed that the 2 years i spent at Mausica to be the best years of my life. due no doubt in great part to the relationships formed, the times we had together, and the uniqueness of all that Mausica Teachers' Training College was to all who had the fortune to be select.ed, and the courage to persevere.  Love and best wishes to all.  God Bless!!!
Joy Marshall - Barnes

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