New Year greetings to every one.
Miss Joseph was also the recipient of a National Award a few years ago. My initial contact with her was in the HMJ Hall where she among other things informed the assembly of the conditions under which Music could be pursued as an Elective. I had my mind set on doing Music at Elective level but met none of the conditions she laid down. A few days later she heard me playing the piano, and enquired whether I had chosen my Elective. I replied that she did not want me in her class because of the prerequisites mentioned, to which she invited me to attend classes.
There were only three of us--Glyniss Ward, Glen Worrell and myself, and another National Award winner Earl Knight was the lone 2nd year Music Elective student. Cynthia Addisson did Agri, Sc. as her Elective, but when her classes finished early or there were none at all, she sat in our classes--she was a good recorder player. I also recall that Glen and I used to be glad to leave our regular classes to play for the 1st years.
Miss. Joseph had a duty to perform on Sundays when she returned to the campus from home--she had to bring a sweetbread that her mother baked for us. at the end of my stint I told her that she did not teach me anything because every time I asked her something she would give me a book. Yes she was a good soul, and our relationship continued beyond Mausica up to the time she retired as Curriculum Officer (Music), and we still chat ever so often. Some tome after I had left Mausica I visited her at home and she promptly gave me an ear test to see if I had lost any of it.
Miss June Joseph was indeed a stalwart at Mausica, and we should indeed appreciate her efforts.
Herbert Garvin (73 - 75)
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